
Father Helping Son With Schoolwork


The Weaver Curriculum is a unique unit-based, Christian homeschool curriculum. For grades PreK-12, this family-based curriculum uses the same daily Bible theme as a foundation and then creates lessons for each student. Your students are then studying the same main subject the same time with individual lesson assignment geared to each student's grade level. For example if you were teaching about the plagues of Egypt, your student would learn about frogs in science, Egyptian topography in geography, pharaohs in history, and so forth. Using this one-room schoolhouse type teaching, students are able to glean information from each other.

Unit Studies

Weaver Focus

  • Weaver Interlock Interlock
  • Weaver Volumes Volumes
  • Weaver Language Resources Language Resources
  • Weaver Teaching Resources Teacher Resources

Great for preschoolers and kindergarteners, this Christian homeschool curriculum will ground your young students in academic basics. Based on the Bible, Interlock weaves many subjects together to give your young children a comprehensive learning experience.

Shop Weaver Interlock

The Weaver Curriculum is divided by Volumes and Supplemental Volumes. Volumes 1 through 5 are for grades K-6, and Supplemental Volumes 1 through 5 are for grades 7-12. Each Volume contains lesson layouts for every corresponding grade level in binder format. All material and subject matter is based on the Bible, and each Volume represents one year of Christian homeschool curriculum.

These fun, easy-to-use language resources are wonderful supplements to The Weaver Curriculum's basic unit studies. Created to help students learn solid English skills, the diverse language resources cover everything from spelling and reading to proper grammar and literature. Parents are strongly encouraged to use this Christian homeschool curriculum to fully experience the advantages of The Weaver Curriculum. Resources may also be used independently.

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This Christian homeschool curriculum has many teaching resources to assist teachers with lesson planning, multi-level classroom teaching, motivational activities, and more. Designed to save time, the teaching resources help parents be more effective and include simple, easy-to-follow teaching steps. Parents are strongly encouraged to use these teaching resources so they understand The Weaver Curriculum's lesson structure, goals, and academic organization.

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Biblically Integrated

The Weaver Curriculum is a unique program because it is biblically integrated. Instead of adding Scripture to something that has already been written, Weaver starts with Scripture and draws in the various topics and subjects to be studied.


Weaver is unit study at its best! Whenever possible, all the students in the family study the same topics at the same time with individual lesson assignments geared to each student's age and grade level. For example, when the first grader is drawing a frog and learning where the frog lives, the sixth grader is studying the life cycle of a frog and drawing it in detail.


Weaver is a hands-on, activity-based curriculum. Students learn by using as many senses as possible, so Weaver guides them to use them all! The lessons include projects, maps, murals, timelines, models, collections, field trips, research, experiments, and other interactive activities. These features work together to help students retain more information.

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