12 Things to Do Before the New Homeschool Year Begins

The beginning of a new homeschool year should be exciting rather than stressful, but to get to that point requires some planning. Use these items on our helpful summer homeschool checklist to make sure you’re thoroughly prepared for your new year.

1. Fill out your state’s homeschool exemption form and any other necessary paperwork to make sure you’re in compliance with all homeschool regulations by state.

2. Get goals for your year and review advice from other homeschoolers.

3. Craft mission and vision statements for your homeschool. You may also want to select a school scripture of theme verse for the year. Memorizing the scripture as a parent is also a powerful life-practice to model to your children.

4. Choose your curriculum based on your child’s strengths and preferred learning style.

5. Buy the necessary school supplies.

6. Discuss your child’s extracurricular activities for the beginning of the year.

7. Schedule your homeschool day.

8. Organize your homeschool space.

9. Do some meal planning to give you extra time to focus on homeschooling at the beginning of the year.

10. Delegate responsibilities through daily chores for your children.

11. Plan a special back-to-homeschool celebration.

12. Pray continually. As you homeschool this year, we pray that you may be surrounded with a sense of God’s presence in your life as you boldly teach your children about the greatness of a God who loves you more than you can possibly imagine.

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