20 Ways to Give Back to Veterans

On Veterans Day, the country takes a moment to recognize the sacrifices made in defense of our nation. This year, celebrate the holiday and show your support by giving back to veterans, all of whom have made countless personal sacrifices so we can continue to enjoy our freedoms. Here are a few small ways to give back to veterans.

1. Donate to a nonprofit that helps veterans and their families.

2. Volunteer at your local VA hospital.

3. Offer to pay for the person behind you in line at a drive-thru or store in honor of Veterans Day.

4. Visit a retirement home and play games, sing, or visit with the residents.

5. Go to a local cemetery and decorate graves of deceased veterans with flowers or flags.

6. Create a Go Fund Me and raise funds for veterans and their families.

7. Send care packages overseas to active service members or to your local VA to honor those who serve and have served.

8. Organize a group to complete odd jobs and task, such as yardwork, for those who have fought for our country.

9. Cook a meal for a local veteran and his or her family. You can also organize a meal for veterans at your local church or school and invite veterans for a free meal.

10. Hang a flag outside your house and discuss the rules of respect for the flag.

11. Interview a veteran and write a paper or article for your local newspaper.

12. Send personal thank you notes or cards to your local VA to show your appreciation.

13. Watch a documentary about a historic war.

14. Find a historical site, such as an army base or battlefield, to visit.

15. Offer to pick up the check for any veterans dining at a local restaurant.

16. Attend a Veterans Day event in your area.

17. Visit a war memorial and give yourself a much-needed reminder about the sacrifices of others.

18. Shop at a veteran’s small business.

19. If you’re in the position to do so, hire a veteran.

20. Pick up a coffee and deliver it to a local veteran.

A Veterans Day Poem

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