3 Prayers around the Election

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).

As citizens of our country, we have a responsibility to vote in elections, so our voice may be heard. However, our obligation doesn’t end at the ballot box. Beyond our vote, our prayers can have an even greater impact on our nation, our leaders, and all the people made in the image of God who are blessed to live in this nation. Use these three prayers to humbly bow before our Creator in a time of thanksgiving and supplication.

Before the Election
Dear God,
I lift up this presidential election to You. Help me not to be anxious or afraid. I pray I can do research and be diligent to understand this election. I pray I can talk about it respectfully with others. Holy Spirit, please direct my heart and help me navigate this season we are in. I pray that no matter what happens, Your will is done. May peace fill my heart and fall upon this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Source: Jennifer Smith

On Election Day
Dear Father,
We know You are not surprised nor fearful any day, so You are no different on Election Day. We praise You for being the One worthy of our trust. Today we pray for wisdom for our leaders, for the discretion of Your people, and the unity of our country. No matter the election results, we long to acknowledge the truth of Your Word. May our worries rest in Your promises, may our thoughts be wrapped in Your steadfast love alone, and may our hearts be unified to further Your kingdom. Amen.
Source: Rachel Wojnarowski

After the Election
Gracious Father,
Thank you for Your sovereign will. Thank you for knowing the beginning from the end, and ultimately, thank you for helping us remember that You are in control of the results of the election. Please allow those who vote for the victor to be magnanimous in victory, and those who did not to be gracious in defeat. Please prevent the hardening of hearts, especially between believers. Help those who voted for the candidate who loses to accept what it says in Your Word in the Book of Daniel, that You change the times and the seasons, and that You remove kings and set up kings. Help us to remember that ultimately, nothing is out of Your control. Your plan is greater than those of men and women. Allow love to grow, rather than resentment. Help those whose candidate does not win to take comfort in knowing You are always on the throne. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Source: Bethany Verrett

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