Commissioned to Serve

"And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all" (Mark 10:44).

When was your defining moment of deciding to homeschool your children? Mine came one day as I stood over the kitchen sink washing dishes for the fourth time. After running all day to keep up with my preschoolers and the housework, I felt as limp as the dish rag I was holding. I had been thinking about homeschooling, but quite frankly, the thought of being a homeschooling parent for the rest of my life wasn't too appealing right then. As my children entertained themselves with one of their favorite Christian music tapes, the words to the song they were playing echoed in my thoughts. In that moment, something happened. The Holy Spirit convicted me and said, "Are you willing to be my servant?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Then teach these children about Me," He said lovingly.

"But I don't know how, God," I cried.

"Trust me," He said in return.

Throughout my homeschooling experience, no other moment was quite as powerful as that one. Taking God at His word, I began to learn that I couldn't be a good homeschooling parent without learning how to be a servant first. God gave me a new love for my children and the wisdom to use my spiritual gifts of teaching, administration, and exhortation to benefit the people I loved most, my family. Although plenty of "rag days" were still to come, I knew I was serving my Lord right where He wanted me to be!

Learning how to be a servant doesn't come easy for any of us. Our selfish flesh screams so loudly, "What about me?" Homeschooling may take you to a new dimension of sacrifice, but it will never be as great as Christ's sacrificial love for you. His death on the cross washed away every mess you will ever make, and He never complained once while doing it. With Jesus as your role model, will you pick up your towel and continue serving the Lord in your homeschool? "For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45).

Jesus, help me to hear Your voice today instead of the "What about me's?" Thank You for Your wondrous love that sacrificed so much for me. Give me a servant's heart and teach me to follow You. In Your precious name, Amen.

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Comments(17 comments)

LYNDA B 01/31/2009 05:34:05

This is so convicting but true. In Jesus name.

RACHELLE M 01/31/2009 08:51:34

This was just what I needed for today, as I deal with a 3 year old in a body cast b/c he broke his femur. And, times that I considered "my time" are no longer my time b/c my little man cannot meet any of his own needs himself, right now. What a great reminder to serve as Jesus served and without complaint.

MARIA G 01/31/2009 10:36:49

This was so encouraging and true!

Jason B 02/02/2009 00:08:12

Just what I needed. As a homeschooling father I feel out of place and I feel like I am overwhelmed with working nights and teaching four during the day. Help me to remember not to use so many I's in my speech. This is about getting them to know Him. Thank you Jesus for your prodding

AMBER P 02/01/2010 16:40:34

Wow!! this was the best daily focas i ahve ever read. It was me. The only differance is i was at a gas station talking to my husband when we made the final desion to stop fighting GOD. Because really we were getting no were. And we want GOD to lead us. So i now homeschool my son, which at times loves me for it, and other tiimes wants his friends back from school. I am glad to have support from fellow homeschoolers. The church i got to there are about 4 home school families counting ours, so I am blessed to have support. I love this devotional i fowarded it to my friends!

KIMBERLY S 02/04/2010 20:01:52

It's true. We all have been saying it. I'm not a home schooler, but I'm searching and trusting God. The LORD asked me a long time ago, before I even got married, if I was willing. I said, "Of course!!", so this message really hit home to me. I'm under the authority of my husband, so I'm still praying that he LORD will help my tired and stressed husband see the need for our three very busy boys to be home schooled. Teaching and exhorting is in my heart, but my torne body is not willing. I don't have a lot of energy because of disease. I hate to fail. This will have to all be of God in order for us to be a full-fledged home school. I've been thinking about it for a year. Praying for a month. Grace to you!! Kim

ANGELA M 01/31/2011 05:49:53

I am reminded of how Jesus claims to be the "Good Shepherd" in John when I read this today. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me." John 10:27 I am so grateful that God is the Good Shepherd. He is faithful. Thank you for this devotion today, it reminds me of when He called me to home school my children. So glad that I heeded the call. What a blessing and a challenge it has been! But I am better for it and of course, my children are, as well. He is the GOOD Shepherd!!

JANET N 01/31/2011 09:24:18

I am new to homeschooling....and my lack of knowledge overwhelms me ....Dear Jesus please help me to continue to pick up my towel and keep trusting You and not cave in to all my fears and doubts!! Amen

TJ M 01/31/2011 17:02:06

Amen, The Lord told me the same thing..."Teach them about Me, and I will do the rest."...all 5 of our children (currently living in our home) are adopted and this has not been easy...the schooling has been easy, the torment from the evil one was the hard part....but like Paul....we keep up the good fight, and everyone that meets our children comment on how good/nice they are.

God is amazing isn't He? I am one blessed woman...Cast ALL your cares on Him because He cares for you! Great post...thanks, tjmc

SHEENA D 01/31/2011 21:21:47


MERCY E 02/05/2011 23:24:37

I just read this a few days after it was posted. Thank you very much for posting it. Tears are in my eyes too as I know this is God speaking directly to me. I respond whole heartedly to you LORD and I know that you will watch over me and my Children as I respond to your calling to home school my Children. Thank you LORD.

CHRISTINE Z 01/31/2012 07:39:22

I can\'t thank you enough. over the past 3 days w/my 6 year old I wanted to quit and I\'m not joking. all I keeped thinking was \" I don\'t want to do this for long\" and now reading this has helped me to see where my heart was in all of this, on me, and not my children and what God\'s will is for my life and not MY will. thanks to this post I\'m now back on track and focused on what the Lord wants for me and the grace to do it.

Christine Z

KATHY S 01/31/2012 07:59:42

3 months into homeschooling now.

And, Although I tell my son about Jesus daily, I\'m not actually \"teaching\" my son from the Bible or a Christian book. (And we have copies in our home).

I started homeschooling for saftey for my child.

So \"teach them about me and I will do the rest\" is playing over and over in my head now.

The light bulb just went on.

Thank you.

DEVAN B 01/31/2012 10:08:15

After reading this I am almost in tears. My husband and I have been struggling with the decision to homeschool our son (he\'s 12) and I was thinking that I would be losing \"my time\" and that I wouldn\'t know what I was doing! But reading this today reminded me that God wil guide me through this and everything of God is good! Thank You!

TIA F 01/31/2012 12:15:56

I felt the same way, except I had already been homeschooling for three years. I had been pondering whether or not to put them in public school because we dont have children any their ages living near us and they weren\'t making friends. I had already filled out the neccessary papers for them to enter into a different school district than our own (I don\'t like ours) when the Lord began to speak so sweetly to my heart telling me this wasn\'t the right choice for my children. I kept brushing Him off figuring I\'d do it for a year than take them out and homeschool again, all He would say in such a loving, soft voice was, \"I know you\'ll do the right thing.\" I finally listened and heeded to the task that my Lord commissioned me to, all I can say is this is the best school year so far and I\'m truly thankful I listened to His still, small voice.

TJ M 01/31/2012 13:58:56

I have to laugh at myself on this...I don\'t get to read everyday, but today I did...and I actually posted last year (2011) when I read it then! ;o) God is so good! Even though we change, God never does...If he calls you to it, He will see you through it. Even on the hard days. I try to remember to not \"conform\" to the world...and seek God for what is good and right for OUR family! It has been a long time coming with our adopted children, but I enjoy it more and more and am looking forward to seeing how God uses their lives for His Kingdom. They are not ours, they are His first. How blessed we are to be stewards of their hearts and minds. Why would I want (when I am blessed to be a sahm) to give them over to someone/someplace that I know nothing of? I pray He keeps speaking to me. blessings, tjmc

Lynn C 01/31/2012 16:55:04

Thank you for sharing. I\'ve been so caught up with academics that I forgot what homeschooling really is. I knew it was a role God had called me to do but there is more to it \"serving the Lord\". God bless you.

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