Complete the Homeschool To-Do List This Summer

Complete the Homeschool To-Do List This SummerInstead of focusing on reaching certain goals or completing a lesson plan, use the summer months to tackle the long list of items on your homeschool to-do list. Set aside a certain amount of time each week specifically for homeschool related tasks, so when the school year rolls back around you will be prepared.

Catch up on record keeping so you won’t be scrounging around for records when you need them. Verify that you are following your state laws for homeschooling by checking with your local homeschool support group. is also a good source for viewing state laws. Some records to make sure you file include the following:

-Attendance records
-Log of hours spent on different subjects
-Test scores or other assessment results used to measure your child’s progress
-Health records
-Reading lists

Check out Alpha Omega Publications’ blog article Step 7: Keep the Right Records for more tips on keeping and organizing your records.

In addition to records, organize the art projects, essays, and collages that have accumulated throughout the year. Find the organization method that works for you, whether that means having a bookshelf with files or a filing cabinet. Keep a notebook for each child containing his or her completed projects from the school year. Grab another notebook to fill with book lists, brochures from field trips, photos, and notes taken throughout the year. Pinterest and your favorite homeschool blog can offer creative ideas for record keeping.

Reviewing curriculum for the upcoming year can be stressful if done all at once. Create a list of the curriculum that you are interested in and review each separately. Make sure to also review the curriculum you have been using to ensure it is meeting your child’s needs and presenting information at a comfortable pace while still providing a challenge.

What summer homeschool catch-up tasks are on your do-do list?

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