Courses That Prepare Your Homeschooler to Leave the Nest

Courses That Prepare Your Homeschooler to Leave the Nest

Ben has a winning personality, a B average, and one semester of homeschooling to go. What Ben doesn’t have is a plan for after high school graduation. After talking to his parents about his interests and goals, he adds a CTE elective to his coursework. The course puts him on a path to a profession that he will both excel at and enjoy, web programming.

With 18 online Career and Technical Education (CTE) electives, Alpha Omega Publications offers courses that teach students like Ben 21st century job skills that students can channel directly into a career. Available for grades 7-12, the CTE courses fall into five different career clusters, including business management and administration, health science, information technology, middle school, and STEM.

Research reveals that employers are struggling to find qualified job applicants. According to the ManpowerGroup’s sixth annual Talent Shortage Survey, 52 percent of employers in the U.S. are finding it difficult to fill job openings due to a lack of available talent.

CTE courses combat that issue by showing students a direct connection between doing well in high school and transitioning smoothly to college or getting a good job after graduation. In addition to teaching marketable skills, CTE can help all high school students identify their talents and ease the decision of declaring a college major.

See Our Complete List of CTE Courses

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