Facebook Fans Name Top Homeschooling Tips

If you could offer one piece of advice from your homeschooling experiences, what would it be?

Many a wise word was spoken when we posted this poll question on our homeschool Facebook page last month. Here are our favorite down-to-earth and sensible responses.

"One day at a time." - Jamie Hall Văduva

"Relax and trust that God will work it all out for His good!" - Tiffani Bailey McDaniel

"Pray - You may not know what works for your child, but God does. And allow your child to make mistakes." - Doreen Williams

"Seek the Lord first in all you do. Dig deep into His Word. He has all you need. Begin all things in prayer, your HS day, your curriculum choices - everything should be under His guidance and you can't go wrong." - Hearts Home

"Just have fun and don't sweat the small stuff." - Heidi Butt

"Some days just don't go the way you expect. Don't panic." - Lindsey Veek Hasford

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself or your kids! Get done what you can and enjoy your children and teaching them." - Laura Roberts

"Be disciplined and teach them diligently. Your children's education lies in your hands." - Lia Gap

"Don't worry about what other homeschools are doing. Yours will be different." - Colleen Siren Webster

"Things come up so don't stress about them ... enjoy the time you have with your children! They are such a blessing!" - Lori Foutch-Denton

"Expect that sometimes things will not work out as planned, but just keep trying. And have confidence in your abilities to teach your own children. You are your children's first teacher, and you know your children's needs more than anyone." - Patricia Seemayer

"Make learning fun!" - Deanna Kyker

"A good night's sleep is a must! And a good breakfast all around!" - Melanie Kocke J

"Stay organized." - Swan Atopia

"If you see the signs early on, don't put it off. I think we could have had far fewer ‘gaps' had we done it before the 5th grade!" - Sondra Marceleno Allen

"If you are starting at the kindergarten level, start as early as you can in the year. That will allow you a lot of flexibility. It might take a few weeks to get up to doing a full week's worth of lessons in a week." - Stephanie Umpleby

"Be flexible. Learning is not just about what you get from a book." - Elizabeth Hendley Jordan

"Be confident. If you look like you know what you're doing, even if you don't, your kids will be more comfortable." - Amanda Smith

"Don't COMPARE your child's learning experience to anyone else regardless of the pressure people put on you to CONFORM." - Laura Hancock Hall

"Do not compare your kids or your abilities with those around you. God has equipped you to teach your children in the way they need. It is not going to look like some other family's model. Relax and don't sweat the small stuff. Have fun during school and for heaven's sake, laugh bunches. It makes learning so much more fun!" - Sheryl Fowler

"Make it fun!" - Jessica Klug

"Don't doubt yourself!" - Jennifer Thomas Snyder

"In the hard periods (there will be some), remember one thing. You can do it one day at the time with the Lord by your side." - Nancy Kennedy

"Make it fun, and if you have to add a few extra breaks, it's okay." - Melissa Dye

"Every little detail does not always have to go exactly according to plan." - Misty Leslie Hatfield

"Remember why you chose this and that God has equipped you." - Allison Schomber-Looney

"Follow your gut. It's probably right." - Paige Pitcher

"Do what works for your family. There is no single right way to homeschool! You know your family better than anyone else." - Judy Peach

"Relax." - Jill Bauer

"It will probably be one of the hardest adjustments to make but also one of the most rewarding if you stick with it. Anything worth having is usually hard work. Don't stress if you have a day (or more) where ‘school' does not get done ... they are still learning and tomorrow is a new day." - Camille Roark

"Seek God first! Pray and don't stress! Take each day one at a time!" - Angela Litton Cannon

"Be flexible." - Jennifer Major Sklener

"Do not expect that homeschool is just school at home. I've seen so many families do this and end up right back in the public schools because ‘it didn't work.' Why take a system that failed you, invite it directly into your living room, and then be surprised (and maybe even angry) when it only breeds stress and discord? One of the beauties of HS is that you can create individualized education plans tailored exactly to what your family needs and your child responds to. Don't settle for anything less just because someone else packaged it up and called it ‘school.'" - Justina McDonnell Lloyd

"When it's not working that day, don't be afraid to just stop, instead of stressing. Let everyone calm down and have some fun instead!" - RA Hurtubise

"Throw the planner out the window and be led by experiences and joy." - Kim Smith

"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." - Heather McDougall Markowski

"Pray." - Julie Trapp

"Lighten up, they learn anyway!" - Tina Marie Coleman

"Pray first! Lots of prayers!" - Shelly Jerde

"Don't be afraid ...wish we started years before the 8th grade ... pray, be flexible, appreciate the time together." - Kathryn Webb Peterson

"Don't be so uptight ... Loosen up a little!" - Kristine Gibson Trofimczuk

"If you can't get a lesson or point across to a younger child let an older sibling, give it a try. Sometimes we use words that kids just don't understand." - Marien De La Rosa

Have any homeschooling advice of your own? Insert your thoughts in the comment section below and click "submit" to share. Thanks to all our Facebook fans who participated!

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