Farmer Boy

"Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh" (James 5:7b-8).

I think every parent secretly hopes that his children will share his passions. My passion was gardening, but each year gardens came and went with only a limited interest from my older children. Yes, they enjoyed the flowers and the fresh vegetables, but I never saw that "look" in their eyes when they surveyed a freshly tilled patch of ground. Years went by before God surprised me with my youngest son's interest. When he was old enough to start helping, I saw that far-off look that sees a future garden flourishing and yielding its fruit. I saw the excitement that said, "Let's try a new variety this year," or "Can we till up another patch of dirt to plant more?" For the next several years, my son and I happily pursued our green thumbs together.

As Christian homeschooling parents, we have a deep desire for our children to share a far greater passion. We desire them to share our same love for the Lord. Like a faithful gardener tending to his crops, we take our children to church, teach them Bible stories and memory verses, and pray for the day when they realize their need of Christ as Savior. When that day finally arrives, we rejoice as we see the Holy Spirit's sparkle in our children's eyes. Plus, we share the excitement of serving the Lord in this life as a family, and we share the hope of a future home in heaven for all eternity.

What about you? Are you still waiting for your homeschooler to make a personal decision to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior? Don't give up! Keep planting those things into his life that will yield the fruit of righteousness in due season. Most of all, don't lose that passionate look in your own eye when you speak of Christ's forgiving love. Your children are watching and waiting to see what you really love most.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the privilege of being a homeschooling parent and teaching my children about You. I lift up their lives to You and pray for Your divine touch to bring them into a personal relationship with You. In Your holy name, Amen.

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Comments(6 comments)

MARCIE H 03/03/2011 13:43:52

What an encouraging article for parents! The Word of God will not return void, if we plant that seed. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 says, \"You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. And these Words which I command you today shall be in your heart. And you shall teach them diligently unto your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.\" We as parents need to set the example. If you read all of Deuteronomy chapter 6, it shows us why and how we accomplish that. What a mighty God we serve! If you are excited about Jesus Christ and what He has done in our lives, then we are a testimony to our children as well as others!

BRENNA H 03/31/2011 07:08:52

We serve an AWESOME GOD! I know it is a gift to be home with my girls. I am so thankful everyday. I pray for all the moms with children who are on the fence. Keep the faith ladies, GOD is still seeking them. Peace and Prayers, Brenna

LURAY R 03/31/2011 11:01:20

Thankfully both of my school age children have received Christ. But I share the disappointment of the first portion of the devotional. When a child shares your personality and interests, it is easier to understand almost everything about them. How does a mother relate to and share meaningful time with a child who is a wonderful mystery?

JANET T 03/31/2011 11:54:53

Luray - My oldest son was (and still is) a \"wonderful mystery\" - different from me in almost every way. When I finally stopped trying to change him and make him like me, God used him to open my eyes and see things in life I would have otherwise missed. Everyday was an adventure, and it made me a better person as I became a student of my son\'s interests and experienced life from his unique perspective.

KATHY S 03/31/2012 07:54:22

Our children \"watch\" our every move so very closely. Wait patiently, you will see the \"similarities\" in your children and yourself.

I cannot believe the amount of things that my son does that are \"exactly\" like me. Sometimes I look at him and feel as though I am looking into a mirror.

But, he doesn\'t share the love of a ALL the things that I love to do. No child does. God made each one of us different.

As the Author was telling us, the most important thing your children need to do like you, is Salvation.

MELANIE W 03/31/2012 10:30:47

PTL! This is exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you so much.

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