Flying High

"Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed" (Psalm 25:1-2a).

The annual kite flying day was only two weeks away for our homeschooling group, and my oldest son was looking forward to winning the category for the highest flying kite. For several months, he had been preparing the perfect design. Using the old box shape, he believed that his kite would fly higher and better than any other kite in western Nebraska's strong, spring winds. His balsa wood frame was tightly wrapped in light-weight flour sack cloths, and with his father's help, he tested the kite's lift and drag performance several times.

When the anticipated day finally arrived, we set out for a fun day of picnicking and kite flying with our homeschooling friends. The wind was steady and blowing at 15 to 20 mph. After a wonderful lunch and game time, each child brought out his kite for the contest. When my son ran down the pasture's gentle slope, his kite lifted effortlessly. Eagerly, we watched his kite climb farther and farther into the blue sky. A smile grew on his face each time he let out more of his line, and we all sensed the outcome. His hours of effort and work were paying off, and when he reached the end of his line, everyone cheered. His kite was flying hundreds of feet above the rest.

Watching God bless my son that day, I learned a spiritual truth from the Lord. Homeschool worries had been dragging me down. Were my children learning what they needed? Was my husband's paycheck going to be enough? Would I ever have time to feel pretty again? As the breeze blew against my face, I sensed the Holy Spirit saying, "Let out your line and let Me show you just how good homeschooling can be." Trusting His promises, I said, "Yes, Lord." I realized then how intimately God wanted to be involved in our daily homeschooling. After I took that step of faith, I saw a new view of my children's futures from God's heights.

How about you? Are you weighted down from homeschooling in your own effort? Fly high today and trust God for His perfect plan for your family! "For in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee" (Psalm 143:8b).

Lord, You are my King, and I bow my knee to Your holy name. Praise to You for dying on the cross to release me from the doubt and fears that plague my homeschooling heart. Lift me above the problems and help me to trust You again for everything we need. In the name of Your resurrected Son, Amen.

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Comments(15 comments)

04/21/2009 06:22:08

Wonderful. How many times have I felt like I was sinking under the weight of the trials and responsibilities of homeschooling? But then again, how many times have I forgot to include God in my daily routine? When I let God take the lead, I soar. Thank you so much for the reminder.

TERESA W 04/21/2009 11:02:17

Timely once again. God knows where we are and sends aid when we need a lift. Thank you.

NANETTE W 04/21/2010 05:59:46

What a refreshing reminder that our God is holding the strings to guide each day. I needed to let go! Thank you for your encouragement.

BONNIE B 04/21/2010 06:58:19

Thank You, I am new to homeschooling and this site. I love the words you share every day. Its life to my weary and tired soul. Thank you so much!!!!!

SUZANNE A 04/21/2010 07:11:08

Wow. Another amazingly timely and encouraging message. These emails, especially this one, are like getting a hug from the best mom in the world. It's so important to have mentors like this. Thanks for the Titus 2 example that you provide.

SELENA N 04/21/2010 08:21:14

I've been homeschooling for eight years and just started getting these devotionals this school year. They have been amazing in encouraging me! They are so meaningful and the Lord teaches me and blesses me through them. Thank you so much.

Selena N

PAMELA A 04/21/2011 04:30:26

What an amazing way to start this morning off right! He is always right there when we need him. I needed this devotional today.

ELAINE P 04/21/2011 04:45:42

This devotional was beautiful and encouraging. I do let "home school" worries cloud my time with the kids. I will have to make more of an effort to trust the Lord and his guidance.

HOLLIE H 04/21/2011 05:00:13

This was beautiful! Lately my "kite" seems to be laying in a heap, tangled in the weeds somewhere. What wonderful encouragement to try once again - with God holding the string.

ASIA S 04/21/2011 10:36:21

I have a renewed sense of what the Lord has laid upon my heart concerning my daughter's home schooling education. I am as FREE as that kite!

ANNAMARIE H 04/21/2011 12:28:53

Thank you for what was a very timely reminder for me about God's care for us and how we can rest in Him. I've been running around (in my mind, at least) trying to get my kite up and forgetting He's all the wind we need!

DAYNA B 04/21/2011 13:57:58

It always feels good to hear other women share some of the same concerns I have. I often wonder if I will have time to feel and/or look pretty again. If I will ever lose the 40 pounds I need to lose. If I will ever have the energy or desire to clean and organize my home. Sometimes the daily chores of motherhood can be soooo dull that it seems to not matter at times. Also, my 6th grader has told me that next year she wants to go to a school building. That homeschooling is boring. Not sure what to do there.

RACHEAL S 04/22/2011 15:38:08

Thank-you so much for an awesome word. I do feel less qualified on certain days but stories like these remind me that i can do all things. Thank-you.

MIA M 04/21/2012 05:59:04

Thank you! I needed that

KATHY S 04/21/2012 07:14:38

Dayna B.

My homeschooling sister, I so understand where you are coming from.

I need to drop double that amount in weight. We will both accomplish our weight loss goals in time. I started counting calories again as I can't exercise at all right now. Making little changes, very, very, slowly.

For house organizing and cleaning, I will give you a little motivation.

I too had a struggle with my motivation for cleaning and organizing, now that I can't, due to multiple injuries, I am really motivated now (probably because I can't do it now, I want to).

When I recover, I am going to start full force!! You never know what each day brings, so be encouraged and motivated to start now. My prayers will be with you for motivation in all areas.

For your daughter, I would be very concerned as well, at the thought of my child wanting to return to a school building.

If you ever need some experiences to share with her, on how our Public school systems are running these days, feel free to contact me. After hearing my childs horrific experiences there, maybe your daughter will reconsider.

My son in 7th grade now, we stared homschooling back in Novemvber, he's so thankful to be at home and away from all the "chaos" and "bullying".

Boring may sound so much better than dealing with the ill behaved children, a school staff that is byas to the children who are ill behaved, and the staff pushes our good children to the side.

Even my future sister in law, who teaches at a Public school in Indiana, I hear some sad stories of the 1st graders behavior she teaches and their parents behavior as well, unbelievable.

My son has never been so happy to be homeschooled after years in Public and private school.

I'm not the most exciting teacher in the world, but, I try to mix things up when things start to get a bit hum drum.

Sometimes I just push the books aside for a while, and pick out a movie that relates to historical events that we've touched base upon. Then I open that up for discussion. Just some banter, as writing an essay or report isn't my son's favorite thing to do. I believe that Verbal discussio counts for school work too.

"Schindlers List" was a movie that really touched him. He wanted to know more about the Holocaust and the War. From one movie, there was a whole new world of information he wanted to find out about.

I pray good things for you and your daughter!

Kathy S.

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