Horizons Pre-Algebra Is Here!

Lead your child into advanced math with the new Horizons Pre-Algebra! This highly anticipated course for junior high students reviews basic math operations and walks your child into the intriguing world of algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and real-life applications with a colorful student workbook, a user-friendly teacher's guide, and a tests and resources book.

Order Horizons Pre-Algebra!

College Test Prep
Prepare your child for the rigors of standardized math testing! Because many colleges base admission and scholarships on test scores, this unique feature provides practice with multiple choice problems that include the same style, format, and difficulty of pre-algebra questions on today's standardized tests.

Math Minute Interviews
Before each set of ten lessons, students read insightful interviews with people who use algebra in their daily vocations. Adding a human interest to algebra, these interviews make math come to life and are the basis for word problems within that section.

Hands-on Learning
Acquiring an understanding of new concepts is more fun with hands-on materials that assist both visual and kinesthetic learners in mastering challenging algebraic concepts with formula strips, full-color diagrams of 3-D shapes, and color-coded algebra tiles.

Classwork Section
Reinforce new concepts with additional practice! This handy layout feature cements new material with extra exercises that can be completed in homeschool groups, with older siblings, or between parent and child.

What Others Have Said about Horizons Math
"Your Horizons Math books are fantastic! The spiral teaching continually reinforces the skills, and the colorful and fun way it is presented keeps my daughters interested. Horizons Math is truly the best!"
- Debbie D., North Carolina

"Horizons Math is very good in that it builds a child's learning by giving them something new while reinforcing what has already been introduced."
- Sandra A., Virginia

Horizons Pre-Algebra Placement Tests
Download and complete the free Horizons Pre-Algebra Readiness Test to see if your child is ready to begin studying math at the pre-algebra level.

Order Horizons Pre-Algebra Now!
Don't miss out! Be the first to use AOP's newest math curriculum. To order Horizons Pre-Algebra, simply call 800-622-3070 or shop online today.

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Comments(1 comment)

CARLOS O 02/15/2011 17:15:27

Is this using the T83 calculator too?

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