Hurry Up and Wait

When I was a little girl, I was always amazed how my grandfather could just sit at the table after supper and look outside. He wasn't reading, writing, or doing anything that was visibly constructive-he was just looking. As I grew older, his quiet moments perplexed me. I couldn't sit like that when I had so much to do: meals to cook, a house to clean, children to teach, articles to write, emails to answer. I was keeping up with all the other Proverbs 31 women I knew, and I was exhausted!

When Grandpa died three years ago, memories of him sitting and looking out the window filled my mind. What was he seeing? What was he thinking? That's when the thought hit me-there's a lot to see, and much to think about, when you just sit and look. Grandpa was being still like the Bible says in Psalm 46:10a, and I needed to learn to do that as well.

Becoming a busy parent is easy in today's fast-paced world. Cell phones allow us to carry on conversations that begin in the car and end in the supermarket. Email allows us to correspond with friends and family in a matter of minutes instead of days. I've become good at multitasking; I can type an email, talk on the phone, and make supper at the same time. If my stamina would hold up, I could become Supermom.

Society seems to tell us, "Hurry up, and wait! Don't just sit there, worrying and stressing, move to other things-keep busy!" But as we do more things, we find we're waiting for more things. We wait for birthdays/holidays, at doctors' appointments, for a child to "get it," for the next stage in our lives, but we are not "still." Then one day we wake up and realize that we're not waiting for the same things anymore. We've changed stages in life, our children have reached milestones, and it was either so sudden or such a relief that we've moved to the next "wait" without taking time to reflect on the accomplishment. We need to be still-to sit and look, like Grandpa did-and reflect on the accomplishments and milestones we witness each day.

Sitting quietly with God is refreshing. I always thought communing with God throughout the day would be more efficient while I whizzed through my life. But, when I take time to be still, my soul is calmed and I think clearer.

How about you? Have you taken time to be still today? Take a few moments to just sit and watch the world around you. Clear your mind, and allow God to speak to your heart about what He wants you to do with the rest of your day. Just wait. He'll let you know!
Kelly Huckaby is a Christian/Wife/Mother living in Oklahoma with her husband and five homeschooled children. Visit her at for more homeschooling support.

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