Just Start!

"When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path" (Psalm 142:3a).

My son was sitting at the kitchen table, staring out the window with workbooks and other schoolwork scattered around him in a semi-circle two inches deep. I had given him multiple assignments for that week, and I also knew he had several incomplete papers from last week. In addition, he needed to study for upcoming quizzes and tests. As I reminded him of everything that was due by Friday, I could see despair shutting down his mind. As he sat there looking forlorn, I gave him a hug and said, "Is there something I can help you with to get started?"

"No, Mom," he replied. "There's so much to do! How am I supposed to get this all done by Friday?"

Nehemiah must have felt like my son as he stood surveying the huge task ahead of him. Looking at the rubble of Jerusalem's walls that stretched for miles, I'm sure he must have wondered where and how to start (Nehemiah 1-2). Fortunately, Nehemiah had prepared his work with prayer, and God answered by helping him begin. Moving King Artaxerxes to offer his support, Nehemiah left his cupbearer job in Shushan and returned to Jerusalem to rally the people. God also encouraged the hearts of the Jews who were living there to repair each gate and rebuild every stone that had been torn down. In just 52 days, Nehemiah and the people repaired the walls that had been lying in waste for 70 years.

As a homeschooling parent, you may be facing too many assignments in your life. Cleaning, cooking, ministering, and homeschooling leave little time for spare moments. Every task seems important, so where do you begin? If you're feeling overwhelmed under the weight of your responsibilities, learn the lesson God taught Nehemiah and my son. Pray for strength and wisdom, pick your task, and just start working. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish when the Lord is in it. My son certainly was when he finished every assignment that week, even with time to spare!

Lord, Your Word says in Ephesians 1:19-20 that the same mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to those who believe. Father, I claim Your promise and ask that You empower me today to accomplish every task You have given to me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(11 comments)

STACY D 05/27/2009 05:40:34

Thank you so much for this. I really needed to hear this message. It's a keeper! Gave me chills at its timing! God bless you!

WENDY M 05/27/2009 08:34:44

This is exactly what I needed today. I was so overwhelmed with my responsibilities today that I couldn't even narrow the list down to the top three that I had to get done, so I sat down behind the computer instead. I'm so glad that instead of playing I decided to read my devotional instead. Now I can get up and face the rest of the day with prayer.

Kathy W 05/27/2010 08:37:27

thank you i really needed this today.... in the midst of homeschooling 4 little ones, paperwork and the stress of moving in two weeks i was overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. after praying i still feel overwhelmed but i'm ready to start on what God has in front of me today at this moment, and i know God is holding my hand and and guiding me every step of the way.

Isaiah 41:10

BETH L 05/27/2010 11:31:20

I also join the ranks of those that thank you for this timely message. I had just called my husband stressed to the max about how I was going to get the house cleaned, prepare for a birthday party, visit the in-laws, all working around babysitting in the mornings and working part time in the evenings, (oh, and fitting a little school time in there, too!) And all of that within the next 2 days. This certainly helps me put a few things in perspective. Thanks!!

HOLLY G 05/27/2011 06:04:12

God's timing is ALWAYS so perfect! This email today, another 'Prayables' email that arrived and Flylady- all telling me the same thing! With that, I think HE says its time for me to get off the computer and get busy! By the way, Flylady.net is helpful to get your house in order and easier to clean!

CANDACE M 05/27/2011 06:50:02

Wow. You wouldn't believe how spot on this is for me today. Thank you. What a blessing. :)

CARIN M 05/27/2011 07:30:01

Thank you for an answer to prayer! This message is exactly what I need to hear this morning. What a blessing.

TRACEY O 05/27/2011 07:53:17

PRAISE GOD!!! I was just sitting thinking about all that I had to do and all that I have neglected just wondering where to start. The word given was perfect for today! Thanks. I love how GOD is right there when you need HIM.

KATHY S 05/27/2012 08:17:39

We have been so busy praying for health, ect., Now, I'll focus some prayer time on strength to try and clean again, straighten up, anything.

Thanks for the devotional, I needed to be pointed in the right direction!

PAT K 05/27/2012 15:00:49

I have been stretched to the limit, with persecutions from family members, an adulterous husband, unemployment, etc. Nothing is too difficult to bear with Jesus. This verse is so powerful and uplifting! Thank you for sharing. I shall do more praying and less crying from now on. Praise the Lord!

KATHY S 05/27/2012 21:30:43

Pat K. My heart goes out to you. My brother had an adulterous wife, he tried for years to reconcile, even though it was ger that had sinned.

Years later, he finally has what we believe is the perfect Godly woman for him. I know God does not encourage divorce, but I believe, and have talked to 3 different Pastors on my brothers behaf, all agreed, adultery, Bibically is grounds for divorce.

I pray that your husband either repents and becomes faithful to you, or that God would Bless you with a man that would honor and cherish you.

Family members and friends will always persecute homeschooling, they just don't understand it. Hard as it is, just "block them out".

I pray too that your crying and suffering turns to blessing. prosperity, and joy. God will bless and take care of his children that are faithful to him. Be encouraged, even though it doesn't look like it at this time in your life, God will work everything out for you.

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