More Off-the-Wall Comments about Homeschooling

You never quite know what response you’ll get when someone learns you’re a homeschooler. While sometimes these comments can definitely be hurtful, most of the time the best approach is to brush them off with a laugh. Since it’s been a few years since our Facebook users shared their most off-the-wall comments about homeschooling, we thought we were overdue for another good-natured look at comments people have actually dared to say to homeschoolers.

“How do you know they’re actually learning?” – Sayla Olivas Paxton

“How do you know what grade level to teach them?” – Emily Seawell

“How will they learn to stand in line and wait their turn?” (Asked while standing in a line, waiting our turn.) – Michelle Kaiser Weisler

“They can’t learn without a teacher.” – Nita Spearman

“I’m afraid your younger son might be too smart for homeschooling. Are you sure he’s challenged enough?” – Stephanie Hinkle Delgado

“Do they see other people?” – Mandy Berger Sverduk

“How will they wake up early for a job when they are older if they don’t have a schedule now?” – Anne Witten Geurin

“You shouldn’t shelter your kids. They need to be forced into the real world.” – Kindell Brooke Jackson

“Oh, so the rest of the kids are at home.” (Spoken as a statement as if only large families homeschool.) – Sarah Barbee

“You homeschool? Don't you get sick of being around your kids? I'm so glad I can get rid of mine most days for 7 hours.” – Them Addingtons

“Imagine how far ahead she would be if she went to a ‘real school.’” – Becky Price

“How will they know how to make and play with friends their own age?” – Susan Marie

“When are you going to send your daughter to ‘real school?’ She needs to be around kids her age to learn about how things in this world are.” – Karen Rimiller Presley

“So, how long do plan on doing this homeschool thing?” – Sarah “Moon” Trout

“Are you really qualified to teach? How can you possibly keep up with what a public school teaches?” – Sparkle Huston

“Do you have a teaching background?” – Sarah Lock

“I have noticed that homeschoolers tend to do that, always want to teach, whether the other people want them to or not. They learn not to do that in the school system.” – Danielle Robbins

“Can your children actually graduate?” – Annie Thacker

“How are you going to teach hard things like math and science?” – Heather Andrews

“Will you teach my kids?” – Colette Christensen

Non-homeschooler: “Aren’t you afraid your kids will be…like…weird?”

Me: “They are doomed anyway! Have you forgotten who their parents are?!” – Lisa Ackermann

“Why would you homeschool your child? Do you want them to turn out to be a freak?” – Sharon Pogasic

“How will they be exposed to new ideas or other points of view? Don't you worry they’ll be narrow-minded?” – Mary Ann Henry Cook

“You only get A’s because your mom is your teacher.” – Tara Kachman

“How do you put up with your kids all day?!” – Amanda Stauffer Grove

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Comments(1 comment)

Nina Dreyer 07/05/2018 23:11:25

How interesting these comments are....I was homeschooling my brood in 1984 onward, before it was even heard of in many places. The comments I received then are the exact same comments I read on this page today. Of my seven kids, one has a doctorate in education, her thesis actually written on the socialization effects of homeschooling on teenagers (very cool findings), one is currently working on her doctorate in Neuroscience at LSU, looking for a cure for Parkinson's disease, four have master's degrees in their chosen fields, one has two bachelor degrees, all graduated from college. One completed an internship at the White House and then went on to work at the Pentagon. They have mostly all travelled and studied abroad. All hold down great jobs, have wonderful circles of friends and have become very productive, influential citizens of this present society. I'm now looking for the latest home-school phonics teaching products for my grand-children! I wouldn't have traded my experience for anythingin the world. Being able to be with my children when they were young, teaching and training them, shaping their lives, guiding their interests was the best gift I ever received. They have become my closest friends to this day.

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