Nothing New

"There is no new thing under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9b).

As I homeschooled my children, I was surprised to find myself reliving many of the same frustrations I experienced as a young student. One day, I watched as my daughter struggled to solve a story problem in algebra. As she tried to identify the unknown variables in the problem, she cried, "Mom, I just don't get this!"

Remembering my own issues with story problems, I replied, "I know it's difficult to understand. Story problems were always hard for me, too. My junior high math teacher had to spend hours with me before I could finally figure them out."

"Really?" she asked. "I thought I was the only one who couldn't get these."

As Christians, Satan attempts to isolate and defeat us in our failures by convincing us that no one understands our problems. Although each person's experience may be slightly different, we all deal with the same basic sinful temptations mankind has experienced since the Garden of Eden (1 Corinthians 10:13a). Thinking we are alone in fighting our battles, we become discouraged in our Christian walk. We fall prey to Satan's age-old tactics of "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16b) and finally give up, thinking that the victorious Christian life won't work for us.

What about you? Are you experiencing a personal struggle in your walk with the Lord today? Perhaps the stress of homeschooling is revealing character flaws that cause you to stumble. Don't despair. You're not alone. Others have experienced what you're going through and know how to help with encouragement and prayer. Best of all, you have a loving Savior who forgives and changes your life to "make all things new" (Revelation 21:5).

Father, I've failed so many times to live my life in the way You want. Please, lead me to godly friends who can help and give me strength to resist those temptations that would lead me from You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Comments(11 comments)

JENNIFER T 05/26/2009 10:08:27

I"m just starting this homeschooling journey and am very nervous. Thank you, I needed that encouragement today.

TERRI R 05/26/2010 07:51:08

I think it would be helpful if there was a daily focus book for the kids to read each day from other home schooled kids. Just a suggestion. Maybe you have heard this request before.

VIVIAN A 05/26/2010 08:16:35

It's so true that we all need to be encourage by others. I know when I started hoomschooling my eight it was very difficult! Thank you to all the people who gave me words of encouragement, love and prayers. If you can encourage a homeschool mom then make it a point to do so. That will mean more to them than you know! If you need encouragement, then go to a homeschool mom and share your concerns. They just may be waiting for you to come to them. May you have a very blessed school day!

SARAH T 05/26/2011 06:14:46

This is SUCH a wonderful focus every single seems every day is speaking DIRECTLY to me and I am so grateful!! Some days are such a struggle to keep going in our homeschooling adventure, but it is so nice to know I'm not the only one who struggles every now and again...Thank you and God Bless all us homeschooling moms and dads....and kids!!

THERESA B 05/26/2011 06:23:14

Terri R made such a wonderful point. I am always looking for new devotionals to use with my girls. We try to have a moment every day where we focus on God.

MAYA T 05/26/2011 06:34:11

I am new to home school as well and I am very nervous also. Already I feel that I cannot do this, but in my heart I feel the Lord saying, yes you can. And on that comfort, I move forward because I know I am not alone. He is there. I am apart of a wonderful co-op that is forming and I do have another mother that I talk to and her words of encouragement have been priceless as well as reading these devotionals everyday. I also feel as if they are speaking directly to me whether I comment or not. To all, be strong and of a good courage. That is what I read everyday along with my bible time. God bless you all. Amen

STEPHANIE B 05/27/2011 05:40:58

Yes, this is what is amazing about homeschooling.. we are moving out of our comfort zones and that is exactly where God wants us and can use us for his glory in the lives of our children. Each day I am driven to say, I need your wisdom, mine is only foolishness. I need your strength, for mine is all but gone, I need your Spirit to fill me, for I am running on empty. "We can do ALL things through Christ"

KATHY S 05/26/2012 07:15:36

I have no clue of any Homeschooling Mom's in my area. I'm sure there are some somewhere, but, becasue of these devotionals, and everyones comments, it doesn't matter.

This AOP site has been my link to other homeschooling Parents, and is truly a blessing to me.

Thank you!

ELKE S 05/26/2012 15:00:45

I have been homeschooling for 2 years now and I still feel like I'm at the beginning. Homeschooling is great and stick in there everyone even though I doubt myself sometimes. We taught our children to roll, crawl, walk, dress and feed themselves. Not to mention potty training. What teacher is going to potty train 10 preschoolers. We have taught them to make friends and be polite and kind to others. By the time our children are 3 we have already taught them what preschool would have taught them. We as parents are their first teachers. If we survived all that we will survive long divion and why do we need fractions. Best wishes to all homeschooling families in your glorious journey. God bless. :)

ELKE S 05/26/2012 15:04:02

Vivian, I have eight as well. What is your age range maybe we can facebook some ideas. Thanks :)

Nancy Carter 05/29/2013 19:26:27

I would like to second the request that Terri R has about a kids page to allow the kids a network of christian friends instead of just the family and siblings to converse with.

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