Over the Edge

All of us start homeschooling for a particular reason—some defining catalyst that throws us over the homeschooling fence. Some homeschoolers make the decision to teach their children due to a negative experience with public school. Prompted into action by their children’s negative attitudes and personality shifts, these parents are concerned about meager instruction, the absence of godly curriculum, or a threat to their child’s safety.

Other homeschoolers like me began teaching because of a deep conviction that God had a different plan for their family. I firmly believed in Christian education, but cost factors, doctrinal differences, and maintaining family closeness eliminated a Christian school option. I knew God wanted me to teach academics and spiritual truths according to His Word, so homeschooling was our best choice. What I discovered was the thrill of learning right along with my children. Math, history, science, geography, language, and other subjects all took on a new dimension when the Lord was in the lesson.

If you feel the Lord leading you to homeschool, stop sitting on the fence. Homeschooling is a rewarding career. Homeschool websites, curriculum fairs, and support groups are just waiting to help you get started. May the words in Joshua 24:15 guide you in your choice: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Lord, I accept Your leading to homeschool and ask You to send the help I need. Please, clearly show me how to prepare our children to live a life that glorifies You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Comments(5 comments)

Aldy D 08/13/2010 08:44:42

Thanks you for share with us this reflexion. I know that the homeschooling is a big challenge, but, with God, all is possible, Thanks for encourage me with this prayer...I'll pray the same way!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

TASHEIKA B 08/13/2011 06:27:08

Thank you so much for the encouragment that you give, I truly enjoy reading these as a start to my day. It is such a breath of fresh air to be able to just read and share with others who are of the Homeschool family, as so little people I know truly understand what I am trying to do for my family in my homeschooling attempts! God Bless!!!

CAMY K 08/13/2012 08:31:33

Last year I helped my sister-in-law home school the two boys. Sje has moved back to Oklahoma. My brother now has the boys. He is a long haul truck driver. This leaves me raising the boys. I have never home schooled before so this is a new experience for all of us. She was not dedicated to their schooling. So they are about two years behind. I am taking on the task of catching them up. Any advice you all cam give would be greatly appreciated.

KATHY S 08/13/2012 08:47:45

Camy K:

Prayer & Patience.

With those 2 things, it all seems to fall into place. I commend you for not only taking care of your Brother\'s children, but homeschooling them too.

May God Bless you and all your efforts!

TABITHA J 08/13/2012 12:06:46

I had a deep conviction about homeschooling along with concern about teaching them Godly and moral standards and safety (there have been school shootings when I was in high school along with bullying going on today.

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