
"My confusion is continually before me" (Psalm 44:15a).

Do you ever stand over your young children while they are sleeping and feel that overwhelming sense of love for them? Their sweet, innocent faces conjure up deep feelings to cherish and protect each moment together. However, when the morning light comes and you are in the middle of another homeschooling day, you may also feel another overwhelming sense. This time you are overwhelmed at your inability to be their teacher. Who can keep up with their energy level and all of their questions while they learn?

If anyone ever had the right to feel overwhelmed by his inabilities, it was Moses. Imagine being given the responsibility to lead millions of stubborn, foolish people hundreds of miles to a new country. Yet, Moses learned the secret to staying sane in the midst of this chaos — to continually pray for wisdom to make each decision. Because of Moses' obedience, God parted seas, provided food and water, and performed miracles time after time to deliver His cherished people from their difficulties. Moses' continuous trust in God stands as a shining example for those who feel overwhelmed when homeschooling.

Do you look ahead into the future and feel overwhelmed at the thought of homeschooling for the rest of this year, next year, or the next 12 years? Take a step back and look again to your pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21-22). Let the presence of the Holy Spirit light your path and protect you from the unknown as you take this homeschooling journey. "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path" (Psalm 142:3a).

Lord, I stand in awe of You and the task You have given to me. Help me to look to You for every answer I need to homeschool my children the way You want. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Comments(5 comments)

MISTY F 02/13/2009 23:39:35

thanks so much. it is amazing how every word is so my life right now. what an encouragement to remember moses. i have a little 5 yr old who is so ungrateful for everything right now and moses dealt with hundreds of ungrateful adults. i will hold onto that truth, "then Thou knewest my path." He is so sovereign and has step each step before me "for me" to grow in Him. one day at a time:)

KRISTA R 02/13/2012 06:18:58

Great analogy. thanks.

TABITHA J 02/13/2012 08:37:06

This day and age, a lot of kids are being ungrateful.

LINDSEY G 02/13/2012 08:46:58

The Lord is our portion and strength...sufficient for each challenge we encounter today. And we don\'t need to worry about tomorrow because He\'ll give us what we need each day at just the right time.

LYNN S 02/13/2012 11:01:22

Great analogy. Jesus helped me learn an important lesson before leading me to Home Educate our daughters. One day at a time! Then I learned to break it down even further. One second at a time, one moment at a time,

one hour at a time.... I believe in a world that continually tries to engage our

children in a \" Hurry up and get IT done\" mentality, we need to remind them to use discernment. No, sometimes that issue can be resolved later, that

work can wait until after a nice meal. Some of my greatest memories and experiences lately have been when my 14 year old and 11 year old daughters and I discuss food, art, people, history and search for answers together. To me that is true education. One that I hope will go with them forever. May Jesus bless you richly with his love today.

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