Resources and Tips for New Homeschoolers

Things can sure change quickly. Not that long ago, homeschooling was considered unpopular, but today, thanks in large part to the coronavirus shutting down our nation’s schools, homeschooling has become mandatory just like that. To help those parents thrust into the world of homeschooling, Jayme Metzger, a homeschool mom of four and contributor to The Federalist, revealed these five homeschool secrets to those under the coronavirus quarantine.

Along with Jayme’s tips, we’ve added some of our own helpful resources to hopefully make your school at home days just a little smoother.

1. Don’t Think You Have to Fill Your Day with Academics
Usually the first lesson learned in leading a homeschool is that by nature it’s different than a school setting. Beyond that, your best resource is the people who have homeschooled before you. Check out these best homeschooling tips from experienced homeschool parents in our Facebook community.

With a free 30-day trial of Monarch online curriculum, you can also pick and choose how many subjects your child can accomplish each day. To get started, use promo code SCHOOLATHOME.

2. Make the World Your Classroom
You should be practicing social distancing and you can’t travel to Europe, but those rules and recommendations can’t stop you from traveling the world through virtual field trips with Google Maps.

3. Read, Read, Read
Having a daily schedule is a good place to start; however, every book you open has the potential for great learning. Explore this list of 100 books you should read to your child. Even if your library is closed, many books can be found in electronic format.

4. Use This Time to Teach Life Skills
As parents, our kids are always watching us. Because of that, we even teach our kids inadvertent life skills. Yet, we can also use this time to give our children additional responsibilities around the house, including these popular chores to give your kids.

5. Channel Your Inner ’80s Parent
With this suggestion, Metzger reminds parents that it’s okay for kids to be bored. After all, in this age of electronics, it can truly force your kids to use their imaginations. If their boredom is driving you crazy though, try suggesting these things to do when your kids are bored.

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