Signs of the Time

“So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Luke 21:31).

When taking nature hikes for science, one homeschooling activity my children especially loved was looking for animal tracks in the soft mud or snow. Identifying creatures from their tracks became a favorite game, and my oldest son especially took to the challenge. With a field guide in hand, not only did he learn to identify the shapes of particular animal prints, but he also learned to read other signs as well. Bruised or broken vegetation, hairs snagged on branches, feathers, opened nuts, and scratches in tree bark all provided additional signs in determining an animal’s trail.

As he grew older, my son became more proficient in his tracking abilities and could easily locate my whereabouts on our family farm. Many times after I had walked to a quiet spot to read a book or be alone, my son would sneak up and scare me in fun. Laughing, I would say, “I don’t ever have to worry about getting lost because I know you’ll be able to find me.”

When Jesus was alive on Earth, He also told His disciples about signs that would mark the time before His return. In Matthew 24, Christ’s list of signs included wars and rumor of wars (vs. 6), famines and earthquakes (vs. 7), false prophets (vs. 11), and an increase in lawlessness (vs.12). Jesus also told His disciples that His return would be as evident as the lightning in the sky (vs. 27), and He would return in the clouds with power and great glory (vs.30). Although no one knows the exact hour or day of Christ’s return (Mark 13:32), the signs will clearly mark the trail before that time.

Have you been watching for the signs of the Lord’s return? Are you earnestly anticipating seeing your loving Savior face to face? Don’t let Christ’s return surprise you and catch you unprepared. Live your life today in such a way that you’re prepared to see Him this very moment! “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God” (2 Peter 3:10-12a).

Father, thank You for the joyous promise of Your Son’s return. Open my eyes to see the signs of Your faithfulness and love that guide me each homeschooling day and help me to live in hopeful expectation until I see Jesus. In His name, Amen.

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Comments(17 comments)

SUSAN M 08/07/2010 08:27:26

The signs mentioned in Scripture were given for the 2nd return of Christ to the earth. These are not the signs for the Rapture. The Rapture of the church could occur at any moment as all the prophecies have been fulfilled up to that point. So as we see the signs for the 2nd return of Christ we know that the Rapture is 7 years ahead of that ...I guess that depends on your theology....but that\'s how I read it. So it could happen any moment. A friend of mine used to say \"Jesus could come today ...Live that way!\" Great thougths. Thanks for the reminder to keeping looking up.

TERRI LEE S 08/07/2011 06:40:38

I could get into this by saying careful study of the Bible would conclude there is no \"Rapture\". Jesus is only coming back once; in the clouds and everybody will know it, but I won\'t because soon enough, we will all know for sure and we just need to be ready.

CRYSTAL M 08/07/2011 06:58:41

I agree with Terri, but no matter which view is right, the premise remains the same; we are told to be prepared. Our time is up when death comes to us. Even if the second coming or the \"Rapture\" were to happen in just 10 years from now, we still may not live that long, depending on God\'s plan for our lives. Whatever our theology is, our duty is the same; be faithful to the end. And that is an encouragement we must all be reminded of continueously. So easy to forget in this fast paced world. Be faithful and stand fast as good soldiers.

LISA A 08/07/2011 08:21:44

If you read the passage He will come like a thief in the night, He will only be a thief to those who are living in the dark, not in the light. If you know Yahshua (true Hebrew Name) (Jesus is His latin Name and FYI, which I found out and it is really sad, part of this name SUS in latin means PIG you can check it out yourselves) His name has been reduced to mean nothing, or has PIG in it) Yahshua means (I am SAlvation) and follow His Fathers commands you are in the light. So we who know this are NOT in the dark and He will NOT come as a thief in the night. Also no one knows the hour well I suggest to you that if you read a few lines before that, I believe it might be stating that we wont know the time or hour when the NEW heavens and the new earth will come....we still have a 1000 year reign with the Messiah as King while Satan is bound...then the hour comes and Satan is cast down to the lake of fire AND the New Jerusalem comes down....that is the hour I believe no man knows/not the angel or the Son. Am I right, I don\'t know, this is just some food for thought. The thief thing I do know for sure, read it again. Just remember if you love Him you will obey His commands, and just remember the New Testament was not written at the time He said this. It was the Torah, or the tanakh....there was No Sunday Sabbath, Christmas or Easter...that all came later with Constantine who mixed Gods Word with Paganism which was clearly stated not to do in His Word in Deut. Dont take my word for it study it yourselves, look it up, it is all at our fingertips to find out the truth...we just have to wake up and see it with our own eyes the deception that the church has taught us. May you all be blessed in Yahshua our Messiah, who died for us and rose the 3rd day, conguering the law of DEATH, Not HIS law of LIFE that brings blessings (His death and ressurection is our gift of Salvation(testimony), His commands are the lamp unto our path to live upright... if we walk in a love-commitment to them) if you love me you will obey my commands...Remember in Revelation, the ones who are protected are the one who have the testimony and KEEP HIS commands. the ones if you will... who tie the scarlet ribbon on the window and follow the commandment TO STAY INSIDE THE HOUSE story of Rahab). (His commandments represent His House) again in Egypt...paint the blood of the lamb on the door (testimony) and DO NOT GO OUTSIDE STAY INSIDE THE HOUSE (commandments) again for us... believe in the blood of the lamb who was slayed (testimony) and stay in my HOUSE (commandments) we have been grafted in...adopted into HIS HOUSEHOLD. WE are part of Israel now, there is only ONE LAW for Israel and the stranger who wants to join them...(Numbers) Ruth/ Rahab/ Rachel/Leah joined them and followed YHWH\'s Laws etc....we are the bride also, let us not be found commiting adultry by mixing His word with Paganism. May we all walk in His commands BECAUSE of our FAITH in the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob AND the testimony (our Messiah/the gift of God for Salvation) May you all be covered and protected in these trying times....

KRISTI W 08/07/2011 08:34:14

I read the \"thief in the night\" will happen when we are least expecting so be prepared. I know there is a lot of underlying information in scripture but sometimes we over read the Bible and miss things that are right in front of our noses. Thanks for your encouragement as we homeschool and continue to bring our kids up in the way of the Lord.

MELANIE T 08/07/2011 14:45:25

Its sad how you are all getting into a debate over your theology\'s and missing the point of the whole devotion. : (

ROBIN B 08/07/2011 14:50:32

You read my mind, Melanie.

ALLISON K 08/07/2011 16:18:51

@ Melanie and Robin - I disagree completely. The Bible says, As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. I believe debates or discussions, whatever you like to call them over theology do just that. The devotions serve to sharpen us in our daily walk, but so do the comments of others, wether we agree or disagree with the theological background from which they come. I welcome the comments and do not believe the point of the devotion was lost on any of these women. If you read to the end of their comments, I believe you would see that too.

AMY R 08/07/2011 21:42:18

Prepare your lamps, robes and heart for his return. We do not know the day or the hour but understanding the Lord\'s Feast Days in Leviticus 23 is key. The Lord commands us to keep and do them forever. They are not burdensome they are beautiful from our Creator. Every single one of these feasts paints the picture of the death, burial and resurrection and the 2nd coming of our Messiah (Passover is about the crucifixion, Unleavened Bread is about Yeshua dying for our sins, First Fruits is about the resurrection, Pentecost is about the pouring of the Holy Spirit, Feast of Trumpets is the sound we will all hear at His return, The Day of Atonement when all the world will be judged, The Feast of Tabernacles is the celebration of the marriage supper of the Lamb). He will return during the Feasts of Trumpets according to Revelations which is a fall feast. Do not believe a word I say but PLEASE pray that Yahweh will show you the Truth of His Word and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to His Torah. The Torah or also known as His Word is all about HIS HEART for HIS people. It has deepened my love and obedience (keeping his commandments) to Yahweh and His son Yeshua. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Yeshua is the living Word made flesh.

Rev. 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.

LISA A 08/07/2011 21:57:17

Amy R, thank you for adding His wonderful feast days!!! May YHWH bless you and keep you may He make His face shine upon you and give you Shalom! Be Blessed in Yeshua!

AMY R 08/07/2011 22:40:34

Thank you Lisa A for the Aaronic blessing, a sister who understands Torah! Praise YHWH for revealing the TRUTH and SPIRIT to all of us. He is gathering His people. If we want to understand the teachings of our Jewish Messiah we need to understand our Hebraic roots. If we want to know the end of the Bible, we have to go back to the beginning which is the Torah. So much to learn but what a wonderful journey it has been and continues to be. Blessings and Shalom to you in Yeshua\'s mighty name.

KATHY S 08/07/2012 07:09:19

Thank you to the Author for the gentle reminder of Christ\'s return one day.

Although we do not know the day or the time, I personally believe that the way our world is going, \"the signs\" are apparent.

I also believe that God is Merciful, and in that Mercy, I truly believe in the \"Rapture\".

The details I don\'t know, nor do I know all the Biblical quotations. But, I believe that Jesus who is Loving and Merciful, will in fact take his people who Love and worship him in the \"Rapture\" before the Tribiulation.

I love Jesus, and have Faith in him. I try and Obey his commandements, but I believe that Jesus is the only one who is \"Perfect\",

so, if I do sin (which I\'m sure Jesus wouldn\'t be surprised, as we all sin)

I believe he will forgive me when I ask for forgiveness and I will always try to do better.

But, I don\'t think because I have sinned, that he will leave me behind when the \"Rapture\" occurs.

Just my opinion.

My older brother who has read every version of the Bible and can quote it word for word, also agrees that Jesus, who gave his life for us, is a Merciful and Loving God and will take his people in the \"rapture\".

KAREN D 08/07/2012 11:05:28

This devotion serves to remind me that as a follower of Jesus, I need to be able to track him with proficiency, which comes through a thorough knowledge of His word. Thanks!

JIM K 08/07/2012 20:08:34

I love the debates, and the open hearts amongst this group! May all of us be striving to put our footprints inside of his as we walk this path of life. May we recognize where our Savior has stepped, and follow him unreservedly whilst leading our children close behind. Shalom to you all!!!

KATHY HALL 08/07/2013 14:46:49

If anyone is interested in learning more about God's Holy Days, there is a great book available at to order or download and read. It scripturally lays out very clearly God's instructions to observe His Feasts, listed in Leviticus 23 and also kept by the New Testament Church (Acts 2:1, 1Corinthians 5:8 to name a few). There is also information about the "Rapture", at It is scripturally laid out very clearly. In Christian love, I encourage everyone to prove for themselves and be sure of what the Bible says. Much love to you all!

Rose McCallen 08/07/2014 15:51:28

I want to thank all the ladies who shared their heart here today. It was a blessing seeing sisters-in-Yeshua lovingly discuss our Savior's return. The main thing I want to remember as I study His Word is that everything comes from our personal relationship with Him. (...our first love.)

Leslie Bumgarner 08/07/2014 20:30:49

Im constantly seeking another job. I have taken cources for cna and cna2. I can only get the cna1 position. I have applied over and over. after reading this email I realize What job we do here and the success we have will be wiped away. So I guess I need to keep my mind on christ and in his will instead of trying on my own..

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