Subject to Change

“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

If there’s one thing you can count on as a homeschooling parent, it’s change. Like the weather, no two days are ever exactly the same. More times than I can remember, my best lesson plans and organized activities were altered by the day’s events. Whether my children became absorbed in a particular topic and spent more time studying or an untimely interruption caused a delay in teaching a lesson, it was necessary to make adjustments without becoming anxious. Whatever failed to be taught one day was usually made up within the next few days, and I learned not to worry about the setback, as long as we continued to move forward with our studies.

As time went on, I was determined to let God order our daily events. Committing the day to Him each morning, I found peace in yielding to His Lordship and control to follow His perfect plan. The “Serenity Prayer” hung on my kitchen wall as a constant reminder to let the Lord guide our homeschooling.  
What about you? Do you stress over the changes that come your way throughout your homeschooling day? Relax! If you’ve given God control over your homeschooling day, He will help you accomplish everything that needs to be done. Besides, God has a few lesson plans of His own for you and your children to learn. “The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD. Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established” (Proverbs 16:1,3).

Father, thank You for guiding us each day while we homeschool. Show me how to rest in Your wisdom and love to teach my children what You want them to know. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Comments(7 comments)

LISA B 08/09/2011 06:02:48

This is so important!

Are we directing our own paths saying - we will go here and there. Or are we letting the Lord direct our paths saying - if the Lord wills. And being satisfied with what He wills even if it is contrary to our plans...

The Lord has brought certain people into my life lately that make me seriously question the way I\'ve been not only \"doing school\" but the way I\'ve been interacting with our daughter. And I\'m so, so glad! Some changes in those regards are being made.

I thank God that He\'s right there paying attention to me and helping me be the mother He wants me to be - which I have prayed for.

And thank you for these articles.

JENNIFER M 08/09/2011 19:11:04

Just what I needed to hear. Thanks!

KATHY S 08/09/2012 06:47:06

I will make sure that I am in prayer about our day this school year. Last year as we threw ourselves into it, but, it actually went pretty well.

I decided to just pick 1 subject per day, as my son seems to pay attention more and be able to actyally take more of that subject in without interuption. It worked well, but I feel as though we coulod have accomplished a bit more.

So this year, not just prayer first, but, prayer for guidance first. Thank you.

GWYNETH K 08/09/2012 07:22:16

This is so true! God has been teaching me this concept this summer... To just relax and rest in him, for He is in control. I need to plan my year as far as how much we need to go over a subject each week, etc. But to let Him lead our days. I\'m so thankful for His love and patience with me through all of these lessons He is teaching me!

KOREEN M 08/09/2012 09:11:38

Just so happend I started homeschooling this week and past 2 days were fantastic, then today my mother arrived unexpedectly and everything changed toward Grandma\'s fun ways of doing things, like having breakfsat outside in the picnic table with jackets on and all covered with dirt after playing outside! HA! I was freaking out over and getting upset with her for changing things. But now that I read this I understand that change is good and God allows the kids to have fun with their grandma :) So thanks, this was perfect timing!

CHRISTINA L 08/09/2012 14:19:07

That was nice . Thank you for that

CAMERA R 08/12/2012 22:43:20

Oh how I need to commit my days to HIM!!!

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