Teaching Proper Pencil Grip

Like any bad habit, an improper pencil grip is hard to correct. That’s why teaching the fundamental skill right the first time is so important.

Before diving into the specifics of handwriting, it’s important to note that the development of fine motor skills and the pincer grasp (using the thumb and index finger to hold an object) are important prerequisites to mastering correct writing technique. These skills can be developed and enhanced in the early years through simple activities like pulling pieces of cereal from a small storage container, ripping paper, or learning how to operate a clothespin.

Once the pincer grip and fine motor skills are well-developed, you can begin laying the foundation for good handwriting with instruction on proper pencil grip. Check out a few guidelines from the Horizons Penmanship curriculum as you teach the fundamentals to your homeschool student.

Correct Grip
Grasp the pencil loosely between the thumb and index finger, leaving approximately 1/2 to 1 inch of space between the fingers and the pencil tip. A light hold helps avoid fatigue, while leaving a little space between the fingers and pencil tip allows your student to develop proper writing technique.

Paper Placement
Correct paper placement is determined by handedness. If your child is right-handed, angle the paper to the left. Hold the pencil in the right hand using the grip noted above. Use the left hand to steady the paper, adjusting it as needed. If your child is left-handed, angle the paper to the right. Hold the pencil in the left hand using the grip noted above. Use the right hand to steady the paper, adjusting it as needed.

Proper Posture
Sit up tall with both feet planted flat on the floor. Lean forward slightly, resting both arms on the table or desk. Use the free hand to hold the paper steady.

As you dig deeper into the art of handwriting with your homeschooler, follow us on Pinterest and visit our Free Stuff board for samples of the Horizons Penmanship curriculum.

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