The Best Dates to See the Awesomeness of God in 2018

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8: 3-4)

Few things are as humbling as looking up at the night sky and truly reflecting on the vastness of God’s creation. Despite the enormity of the universe, we are at the center of God’s love and admiration. While there are many amazing things to see throughout the year, here are the 6 best dates to see the awesomeness of God in space in 2018.

1. January 31: Super Blue Moon Eclipse
A blue moon is simply the second full moon in a calendar month, but January’s will be the first since July 2015, and it brings with it a total lunar eclipse at 7:51 a.m. (ET). Because of the timing, it will be easier to see on the west coast. The event gets extra attention for being a supermoon, since the moon will appear particularly large.

2. March 7-8: Planet Parade
At dawn, the planets of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter should all be visible in line with the moon.

3. July 15: Moon Meets Venus
At sunset, Earth’s moon and sister planet will be stunningly close to each other.

4. July 27: Mars at Its Best
While you’ll likely miss out on the lunar eclipse, you will get to see Mars at its brightest since 2003. The Red Planet won’t be this close to Earth again until 2035.

5. August 12-13: Perseid Meteor Shower
On the night of August 12 and the early morning hours of August 13, these annual meteor showers could produce up to 60 shooting stars an hour.

6. December 12: Comet Encounter
Late this year, comet 46P/Wirtanen could be the brightest comet seen from the Northern Hemisphere in more than five years.

Do you love to learn about space? Check out Alpha Omega Publications’ fun facts about God’s amazing planets.

National Geographic

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