The Best Medicine

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22a).

To a child, there is only one thing worse than being sick in the winter, and that's being sick during the summer. After all, who wants to lie on the couch when everyone else in the family is having fun playing outside? As I looked at the purple, yellow, and red bottles of medicine in my bathroom cabinet, I heard my young son cry out from the living room couch, "Mom, please don't give me any of those terrible tasting things. They're just going to make me sicker." Although he had been running a fever through the night, I realized my patient wasn't as ill as I previously thought. Ignoring his pleas, I continued to administer the necessary medicine and turned to go back to my work in the kitchen. Grabbing my hand, my son said, "Mom, do you think you could just sit with me for a while?"

"Sure," I replied. "How about if I read one of your favorite books to you?" Nodding his head in agreement, I proceeded to sit on the floor in front of the couch and spent the next half hour reading The Pilgrim's Progress. After reading several chapters and talking with my son, I noticed a smile on his face and his relaxed posture. "Are you feeling better now?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Mom," he responded cheerfully. Giving him a hug and a smile, I realized the best medicine I had given him that morning was a happy attitude, my time, and love.

Everyone needs someone to sit and listen when life brings difficult times. Whether it's facing an illness or some other problem, an understanding ear and a kind word go a long way in relieving the suffering of a friend. Unfortunately, that type of medicine can't be purchased from a store. Rather, it comes from a sensitive and loving heart that truly cares about the needs of others.

Is there someone you know who is ill or hurting from life's problems? Chances are you're the nurse God could use to make that person well. Go to the medicine chest of God's Holy Word to find just the right encouragement. Then, sit and take all the time necessary to administer the best tasting medicine. "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones" (Proverbs 16:24).

Lord, You are the Great Physician who knows all our hurts and pains. Please, help me to bring Your healing words of love and encouragement to my family and friends today. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Comments(7 comments)

ELLEN S 04/06/2009 05:20:40

This is very good advice!!!

MICHELLE W 04/07/2009 09:08:05

I can't tell you what a true blessing these daily devotional have been to my life. As a homeschooling mom but just as a woman and child of God. Thanks for taking so much time and effort to put these together and for sending them out daily!

LISA B 04/06/2010 05:43:54

Your devotionals are a real blessing to me! Thank you for taking the time, energy, and love to share these with us! I need to remind myself and refocus

quite often on my true purpose!

Thank you so very much!


KATHLEEN M 04/06/2011 16:41:23

I have often been reminded lately how much a listening ear is appreciated. it is a lesson I often forget. Thank you again for your reminder. So often in life we forget to slow down, to take time for others especially our children. What a necessary and challenging devotional. Thank You!!!!!!

ALMA T 04/07/2011 03:30:08

Thank you so MUCH!! This is the best advice ..... God Bless you Alma

KATHY S 04/06/2012 09:31:19

Thank you to the Author for bringing this subject up. It is so true, just the time, and caring that we can give one another, is sometimes more healing than the medicines we take.

And this behavior rubs off on our children. I spent the first 13 years of my sons life, taking care of him, giving him all my love (and I still do) he was always ill prior to pulling him out of Public school, now that we are homeschooling him, he\'s only had one cold the whole year !!

Praise God!!

My point being, my son has picked up on all the love and caring I showed him, and has become the most loving and compassionate \"caregiver\" as I am healing. And actually without his extreme sensitivity, I wouldn\'t have coped with all my injuries as well as I have.

It\'s amazing when we see our children \"mimmick\" our actions, and grow to have such a heart like Jesus has.

Thank you Jesus, for today, the day we remember your dying on the cross for us, thank you for the gift of salvation, and thank you for the gift of my wonderful son.

KARI M 04/06/2012 10:39:57

I just want to let you know that I really appreciate your insight daily as I read your devos. I have received many online daily devos and this one I relate to the best of any. Thank you so much for your encouragement!!!

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