The Favorite Part of Your Homeschool Day

Homeschool days are sometimes filled with stressful occasions that might make you feel like you’re at the end of your rope. However, homeschooling is also filled with moments that you will cherish and hold in your heart long after your children are grown. To hear more about these special moments, we asked our community on Facebook and Instagram to share their favorite part of their homeschool day.

If you didn’t get a chance to respond on social media, share your favorite part of your homeschool day in the comments below!

Harriscolorado - Mornings are my favorite time. We don’t have to wake up and all split off in different directions. I am so grateful my kids don’t have to wait out there on the corner to catch a school bus at 6:30. Instead, we begin our day well-rested with a breakfast of slow-cooked oatmeal and warm up by the wood stove before starting our chores or assignments. Thankful and blessed.

rcuss12 - The morning. It’s always fresh and new and filled with possibilities and fun!

Desirae - The morning. We start our day snuggled up with our daily reading. It's quiet and nice.

Shcarnes - My favorite time is when math is done for the day ! 😝 lol

alwaysnforever95 - My favorite homeschool moments are those when we get to create and do experiments together. My kids are 4 years apart, so we make experiments fit both.

unicornsally9 - Our favorite time is Bible time. We take turns reading the Scriptures. It is the best part of the day!

kaydeemum95 - My favorite time of our homeschool day is when we have those subjects all ages do together. It’s a great opportunity for bonding.

Gwen - Supper with dad and then we all gather together for Bible study. 📖❤️

Stacie - Signing onto Monarch of course!

Vanessa - My favorite park of our homeschool day is when I get both of my kids to complement each other. This (for me) helps them to learn to love each other properly. ❤️

Alyson - When the big kids help their little sister with her reading.

Charity - When we are done :)

Jess - snacks lol

Shannon - Kids being outdoors and learning in a way that interests them.

Kristy - When my son is learning something new and he has that aha moment and his whole face totally lights up with his big smile.

Heidi - When learning becomes more than schooling. 😊

Deneikka - The look on their faces when they, after struggling with a subject, get it.

Lindsay – When I see the joy in my kids' faces when they master a new concept!

Dannielle - When the room suddenly gets quiet because they are so engaged in their work.

Sunny - nap time lol

Monique - When we are already done with school and one of the kids will come up to me and ask to do more school.

Michelle - Anytime moments when my daughter is enjoying school. We usually see at least a couple moments a day.

Kimberly - Reading together.

Jen - Bible verse memory and listening to my son pray for the day.

Kimberly - The unexpected conversations with your teen that turn into special talks.

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