The Most Off-the-Wall Comments about Homeschooling

The Most Off-the-Wall Comments about Homeschooling

We recently asked parents on our Facebook page to share the most ridiculous comments they’ve heard people make about homeschooling. Here are their good-natured responses (plus a little good-humored eye-rolling).

“You homeschool? Do you have goats, too?” - Megan P.

“Are you a teacher?” - Edna H.

“Why would you want to be around your kids all day?” - Maureen R.

“But what about prom?” - Tonya Y.

“Did you join a cult?” - Teena C.

“Do they have any friends?” - Melissa P.

“Do they really learn anything?” - Amy S.

“How will they learn to sit criss-cross applesauce?” - Michelle H.

“God made teachers so you don’t have to do that.” - Dusti T.

“What is wrong with your child that they can’t sit in a classroom all day?” - Michelle N.

“How are you teaching your children without a teaching degree?” - Charlotte W.

“How will they get along when they marry?” - Wendi C.

“They will become unsocialized hermits. Why would you do that to them?” - Karen P.

“Well if they turn out stupid, you will know who to blame!’” - Christy S.

“Your boys are homeschooled? But they are so normal!” - Lori S.

“You’re so lucky. You don’t have to worry about buying clothes and school supplies.” - Letha F.

“Homeschooling? But… how will he learn to read?” - Terri M.

“Moms who homeschool are just too lazy to get up early and get their kids ready for school.” - Jennifer B.

“Oh! You’re one of THOSE people!” - Betty J.

“My son went to get his haircut and the lady cutting his hair asked what school he went to. He said, ‘I am homeschooled,’ to which she asked, ‘Where do you go for that?’” - Denise W.

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Comments(5 comments)

LORI BARRETT 09/05/2013 15:24:44

What's too funny about the first one is that we *DO* have goats!

Lori in NY

SHARON STINE 09/05/2013 15:24:53

Love 'em! My favorite is when a Walmart cashier asked how I got funding to purchase teacher and students books? I told her from my husband!

Christina Johnson 09/09/2013 13:29:09

The one about don't you need a break from your kids always drives me crazy!!!

SHERALYN BOLTON 09/09/2013 16:58:52

"How will they learn to stand in line?"

"How will they learn to be bullied?"

"Well, just make sure they can spell! I knew a homeschooler once...."

I will say that the first time my 5th grader had a little carton of milk, she had no idea how to open it!! ---must be homeschooled :)

Mary Bear 09/29/2014 13:25:13

One lady told me I was doing a disservice to my kids and the public school system by homeschooling my kids.

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