The Most Time-Consuming Things to Do with Children

Do you ever wonder what you did with all your time before you had children? While you can’t change how you spent your time in the past, a new study from Great Britain has confirmed that most tasks take significantly longer once you enter the world of parenthood.

“I think all parents out there will agree that having kids is really rewarding, but simple tasks that you didn’t even think about before – such as shopping – suddenly become a mission worthy of planning with military precision. What used to take you a few minutes can now suddenly take up a huge chunk of your day,” said Simon Wilson according to The Sun.

In analyzing responses from approximately 2,000 parents, the study reported that leaving the house in the morning takes 45 minutes, as opposed to 22 minutes for adults without children. In addition, the poll released a top-10 list of the most time-consuming things to do with children.

1. Packing for a trip – 36 minutes longer
2. Cleaning the house – 35 minutes longer
3. Shopping for clothes – 33 minutes longer
4. Ironing – 30 minutes longer
5. Grocery shopping – 30 minutes longer
6. Shopping for shoes – 30 minutes longer
7. Cooking – 28 minutes longer
8. Completing life admin tasks like paying the bills – 26 minutes longer
9. Eating supper – 26 minutes longer
10. Walking the dog – 23 minutes longer

So what would parents do now if they could get their free time back? The top answer was sleep, followed by reading a good book, and deep cleaning the house.

What tasks take you longer now that you have kids? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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