Top Reasons for Military Families to Choose Homeschooling

Homeschooling compliments a family’s lifestyle in a way that traditional schools can’t, and perhaps no group of people understands that more than those who have chosen to serve their country in the military. In the midst of Military Family Appreciation Month, here are our favorite reasons why homeschooling is the best option for military families:

1) Consistency that encourages your child to excel academically.
As both a parent and a teacher, you’ll discover that homeschooling provides a flexible and fun education for your family while opening additional opportunities for hands-on learning and mastery of concepts and skills being taught.

2) Variety of choices to fit your child’s needs.
While tailoring your education program to fit your child’s learning style, you can also develop your child’s unique interests and God-given talents while dedicating more time to weak areas. Curriculum choices like Monarch and LIFEPAC also make it easy for parents to ensure their child is receiving a complete education.

3) Freedom to rise above standards.
According to HSLDA’s most recent Progress Report, homeschoolers score 34-39% above average on standardized achievement tests.

4) Comfort in eliminating frequent school switches.
As military mom Heather S., said, “We move often, and my husband has been on several deployments, so homeschooling provided my children with a very stable home life, regardless of what’s happening outside. We spent all of last year learning about WWII and the Battle of the Pacific. No public school can do that for us.”

5) Satisfaction in helping your child develop a lifelong love for learning.
Most importantly, homeschooling can display firsthand that learning goes beyond making a grade and is a great way to glorify God with a passion for exploring His amazing creation.

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