Travel Entertainment Ideas for the Whole Family

Summer vacations can be one of the best parts of summer. However, as fun as it can be to visit family or travel to a new destination like one of these 50 lesser known places, it can also be hard to figure out enough ways to fill up the time it takes to get there. Since no one has yet found a way to teleport and development of the Hyperloop super train is still in progress, here are a few ways to keep everyone entertained throughout your family’s summer adventure:

Play a word game:
1. One person starts with “I’m going to [name of destination] and I’m bringing [item A].” The next person repeats the sentence, but says, “I’m bringing [item A] and [item B]. To make it more challenging, try coming up with 26 items in alphabetical order.

2. Name a country. The next person has to name a country that begins with the last letter of the previous country.

3. Pick a word and go around having each person think of a word that rhymes. Whoever drops the pace loses. Keep going until you have a winner. The winner then gets to pick the word to start the next game.

4. Build a story. Each person contributes one sentence at a time to a story that you all make up.

5. ABC game. Find something that starts with each letter alphabetically as you travel.

6. 20 Questions. One player thinks of an object or a person, then have the other players ask “yes” or “no” questions trying to guess the item before reaching the 20th question.

For quiet time in the car:
1. Play an audio book.

2. Fill out a Sudoku or complete a crossword book.

3. Bring along a DVD or laptop and play a movie.

4. Print out our USA map and have your kids color in states as they see state license plates. The first one to fill in the entire map is the winner. If you want to make it a more challenging game, you could print out a blank map and have the kids write in the name of each state and the state capital.

Traveling on an airplane:
1. Read a book.
2. Watch a movie on your tablet.
3. People watch.

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