What Are You Waiting For?

My children were looking forward to their grandparents' visit one weekend. They had worked hard homeschooling all week, and by Friday noon, they had completed all of their assignments. As I started to prepare supper for my parents' arrival, I decided to make good use of time and straighten up the living room, too. To my surprise, I found my youngest daughter sitting on the couch looking out the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm waiting for Grandpa and Grandma," she replied.

"Oh honey, they're not going to be here for another five or six hours," I said.

"I know Mom, but can I just sit here and wait?" she asked.

Returning to the kitchen to finish my preparations for supper, I stole a glance from time to time to see how my daughter was doing. Most six-year-olds have trouble sitting still for five minutes, let alone five hours, but each time I looked, I was amazed as my daughter sat staring out the window awaiting her grandparents' arrival.

Waiting is not something any of us do well in today's world. In our fast-paced lives, we expect immediate responses to our daily needs. Fast food, fast lanes, and fast everything make us a nation of impatient people. Unfortunately, we carry over that same philosophy to our spiritual lives, and we want fast answers from God, too. However, God is in control, and He has His own timetable. As agonizing as it may seem, waiting is actually beneficial to us spiritually because it forces us to focus on God instead of our request.

Have you been waiting for a long time for God to answer one of your prayers? Maybe you have a family member who doesn't know Christ as Savior, or you have a financial burden or physical illness that seems overwhelming. The Lord may want you to focus your attention completely on Him, so He can reveal His power to you at just the right time. Will you let Christ redirect your thoughts, so He becomes the center of your focus while you wait? "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning" (Psalm 130:6).

Lord, forgive my impatient heart that fails to wait on You for the answers to my problems. Let my anxious prayers turn into praise as I remember what a mighty God You are and what You can do. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(9 comments)

KAREN O 03/06/2010 09:47:08

The Lord certainly does know what we need and when we need it. As I sit here typing, I have just had one of the most excruciating nights of my life. The baby we have prayed for seven years for made it's way from my womb to the arms of Jesus. I can't begin to understand why the Lord would allow us to pray for so long - for our children to pray for so long - only to answer the prayer and then take it away. I do know that God is in control though and He has a perfect plan. This devotional was very timely; I needed it. So, to whomever wrote it, I thank you. The Lord used you in a very special way this morning.

SHELLEY E 03/07/2010 08:20:16

Thank you so much for your daily devotions they seem to be just what I need just when I need them. They help encourage me to fight the good fight and to finish the race that God has put before me. Again thank you so much.

REBECCA W 03/07/2010 10:20:06

Thank you for this beautiful devotional. My sister-in-law has a rare kidney disease and had a donor ready to go. But the hospital did something terrible and caused the donor to walk away, leaving my sister-in-law without her lifesaving kidney. It's times like these that make us ask God what His plan could possibly be. She has been waiting so long and we thought this was it. Now we must start all over again for the search. I know that God has her in His hands, but waiting for this is getting harder each year. I fear she will lose faith and hope in the One who loves her most.

Waiting for your return Lord!

FRANCES B 03/06/2011 09:18:20

I just came home from church where I told my husband that I hear the Lord telling me to listen to Him, to have faith in Him, to obery Him, to trust Him, but Thatis His response to my open heart seeking His will, but He has not answered my prayer yet ie: The question of what to do with two choices. Your teaching has soothed my aching, impatient soul. I will wit on the Lord's good and perfect timing. Know that God has spoken through you.

RENEE G 03/06/2011 09:41:27

Thankyou for sharing something that is so very important, but as you said is so very difficult. I have been in a place of waiting for some 4 yrs now, and at first I was very discuraged, but as the time went by and I yeilded to the Lord, He began to show me many things that I didn't know about myself, as well as Him, and what he truly desired out of our relationship.And the more I waited , the more He showed, and actually the more He began to speak., I have learned to better hear His voice instead of using mine so much. My journey has become so much more peaceful as I have learned to wait upon Him who knows all things. Blessing to you for sharing.

PAMELA M 03/06/2011 19:10:00

Pamela M

i am alway happy to hear someone share thoughts about growing closer to the Lord as i read what each of you had to share i am reminded of the goodness of the Lord and how it's not our battle but our Lord's 2chrcl 20:1-30. God bless your little girl and her patience it has blessed me to stop and think about it. thank you for sharing that with us.

HEATHER B 03/10/2011 21:24:06

Patience & waiting on the Lord is one of the most difficult & arduous lessons we learn as Christians. Our patience always seems to go out the window because it's God & He can always do anything, right? I find myself continually challenged to be a grateful waiter on the will & the answer of God. It's always a great reminder for me and so encouraging to know that I am not the only one. I prayed for years for a way to be closer to my children before we homeschooled & then God provided a way for both my husband & I to really connect with our children & to become more patient with every aspect of our lives as parents. Waiting on the Lord does get easier and easier when we learn to let go of the worry and enjoy life!

TABITHA J 03/06/2012 08:55:12

This devotional is needed, especially in this fast paced society. There are times in which I feel rushed and wanted things done quickly, but I need to realize that I do need time to take a break and enjoy life, instead of rushing through it.

LYNN S 03/06/2012 09:44:07

Karen O, Rebecca W and Francis B, I wanted you to know that I have prayed for you all and that I am thankful for your openess concerning your Struggle to hold on to waiting on Jesus. I believe that he will open doors(better doors) and answer your prayers according to his perfect plan(we often can not imagine a better plan than our own) and that precious baby is in the arms of Jesus.

My heart hurts for your pain but I can see that you still believe that Jesus knows what is best. Thank you again for sharing.

This avenue of support and encouragement reamins, for me, a daily source of inspiration, encouragement and comfort and yes, also a reminder of what we often lose sight of.

May everyone who reads here and posts here be blessed mightily and richly today....

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