What Defines Homeschooling?

What Defines HomeschoolingThe debate over what can be considered “true homeschooling” is heating up. Most recently, it has centered on the variety of new, online education options, especially those that receive government funding. According to a recent article published by The Heartland Institute, it’s leading to some confusion for parents who wish to homeschool.

“When you take government money, there's always strings attached,” said Debi Ketron, the director of the Indiana Association of Home Educators, in her interview with author Kate Patrick. “We choose freedom because we can choose our own curriculum.”

What do you think? With so many different ways to school at home, what’s your definition of homeschooling?

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Comments(1 comment)

Nikita Linn 07/10/2014 03:06:33

I honestly believe that it is not homeschooling unless the child is being schooled at "home " (e.g. In car or at appointments and such count too) and that there are no restrictions or requirements placed on the parent to speak with an advisor, give notice of intent, track days, report grades, have other people grade, submit to standardized tests or be told which curriculum is okay to use. I am a mom of five children, homeschooling three children who test above grade level (we do standardized tests but I administer them at home) and have been doing so for a year and a half. I have received compliments from other homeschooling families that they're amazed I have done so well with my homeschooling efforts right off the bat without being enrolled in an umbrella school or co-op and receiving no government funds. To me, I feel in control of what my children are learning and being exposed to, and have no need to get permission from someone else for something I want to do with my children.

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