Who Gets the Credit?

"A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit" (Proverbs 29:23).

Feeling pride in my son's accomplishment of graduating summa cum laude from a state university wasn't difficult. As a homeschooling parent, watching my son receive his degree in anthropology was the culmination of years of schooling. No parents could have been prouder, and we rejoiced in our son's outstanding achievement. The years of homeschooling had been worth the sacrifice, and my son's award proved again that a child could be successfully educated at home.

As I thought about the days, hours, and minutes involved in homeschooling my son, I realized God was the One who should receive the greatest award. Without His loving care, protection, and provision, we would have never survived homeschooling. God's loving guidance and wisdom taught countless lessons that were never recorded on my son's report card, and the many extracurricular opportunities my son enjoyed were divinely orchestrated by God's loving hand. God knew my son's hands-on learning and creative enthusiasm would have been stifled in public school. By convicting me to homeschool, God kept my son from joining the ranks of bored underachievers. "Yes, God should be taking the credit today," I thought to myself. "He kept every one of His promises and was everything we needed as we homeschooled."

During times of success and recognition, it's easy to forget God. The story of Herod in Acts 12:20-23 is a perfect example. Not only did he steal God's glory, Herod went one step further and took credit for being God. Allowing the people of Tyre and Sidon to praise and worship him, Herod did nothing when they began shouting, "It is the voice of a god, and not of a man" (vs. 22). Herod's haughtiness and pride led to a surprising and sudden death: "And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost" (vs. 23).

Are you tempted to puff yourself up and take credit for your child's educational success? Even though you've invested time and effort, God is the One who is going before you. He gives creativity to your lesson plans, spiritual insights to apply His Word, and the resources and physical health to accomplish each day's tasks. Simply said, your homeschooling is nothing without God. "But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord" (2 Corinthians 10:17).

Father, forgive me when I steal Your glory. You alone deserve the praise for what our homeschooling family has become. Today, we lift our voices in thanksgiving for Your goodness and love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(4 comments)

ANJI G 05/06/2009 10:39:15

I'm about to embark on this new learning journey with my son who is nearly 12yrs and had has been attending a public school since pre-school. We will be starting in about Jan 2010. Your blog inspired me and made me realise that as a Christian family, I as a mum can with the Lord's guidance and prayer change the course of my son's education path. We will be another family "swimming against the tide" and giving God the Glory.

LINDSEY G 05/05/2011 03:55:59

We\'re completing our first year of homeschooling our 3rd grade son and 6th grade daughter. Many times I\'ve felt incapable of a particular task and I\'ve cried out to God for help. He never failed us. He called us to homeschooling and He\'s always been faithful to help us. I couldn\'t do this without Him and He deserves ALL of the glory for our 1st, terrific year of homeschooling.

SUSAN M 05/05/2011 05:08:20

This so true! Faithful is He who hath called you ....who will ALSO do it! I want to praise and rejoice in the faithfulness of God in the lives of my children. Their teacher was/is rather just plugging along ...but their God was GREAT! He was faithful! As we come to the time of graduations this is a good reminder to give credit to the Lord Jesus!

TABITHA M 05/05/2011 05:34:18

We feel the same way, that God has given us a gift to homeschool our children. Right now we are in the stages of finding the best way to homeschool them by determining their learning skills. We have our oldest going into 3rd grade, then next going into 1st grade, then one in \"preschoool\" k3, and a newborn arriving in August...so depending on God is a HUGE deal in this household. We need His divine wisdom, knowledge, & structure daily. Thanks for sharing your story as an accomplished homeschooling mom.

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