Who's the Biggest Fool?

"But a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother" (Proverbs 10:1b).

We experienced a problem in our homeschooling family as my oldest son grew into his teens. Wanting to be accepted, my son started associating with a new group of friends. At first, I was happy to see my introverted son making new buddies, but then I noticed the beginning of undesirable qualities in his character. My son became more reckless and started showing off by taking foolish risks with his personal belongings, including his car. When my son started fooling me to participate in activities we wouldn't allow, it was time to address the situation. I realized I had been the biggest fool for not putting a stop to his foolishness sooner.

God's Word has nothing positive to say about fools or foolishness. Endless Scripture passages in Proverbs verify that claim, as well as a story in Acts. Apparently, the new believers in Christ had been fellowshipping and sharing their belongings (Acts 4:32). Barnabas, one of the believers, decided to sell a portion of his land to help the group and gave the money to the apostles. Two other believers, Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, did the same thing, but for whatever reason, they decided to keep a portion of the money for themselves (Acts 5:1-10). Attempting to fool the apostles, Ananias and Sapphira told them that they had given the full amount. God's response to this deception was quick and severe. Within three hours, both Ananias and Sapphira fell over dead for trying to fool the Holy Spirit.

What about your homeschooling family? Have you noticed any foolishness creeping into your children's actions? Be careful! Left unchecked, foolishness has the potential to destroy your child's life. Although the world may celebrate a day when people deceive and pull embarrassing practical jokes, God's Word says something entirely different about foolishness: "The thought of foolishness is sin" (Proverbs 24:9a).

Lord, show me how to discipline my children when they start acting foolishly. Give me the wisdom to train their immaturity into responsible actions that glorify You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(8 comments)

JAMIE C 04/01/2010 06:41:03

I got a new Bible called the Quest Study Bible. I read Proverbs 1 today and in the footnote, an explanation of what the Hebrew word is meant when you see 'fool' in Proverbs. It means one who is morally deficient. This really helped with my understanding of what they meant when they said 'fool' in Proverbs.

TRACY H 04/01/2011 06:18:31

I needed to hear this message this morning! It as though God is speaking directly to me! Last night I discovered an online game and a chat that I was not comfortable with on my teenage son's computer. I had him uninstall the program and all of the associated files with it. This message confirmed that I as the parent made the right decision. Thank you!

MIA M 04/01/2012 05:12:23

I was just praying about something similar! Trust the Holy Spirit to answer, I am so glad I'm a believer ,so many things are happening in the world , it helps to be one or two steps ahead!

KATHY S 04/01/2012 08:43:25

My son is so very good. There is almost never reason for me to reprimand him.

But, the other day I heard him talking on his microphone/earphone things

(I don't know what you call them), anyway, I am usually quite excited that he's finally interacting with other children (even via internet), It's a big step for us.

I am always stiting about 6 feet away, and I hear his conversations, better than I can hear my T.V. programs.

About a month ago, I heard a "Word" that I had never heard my son speak before. As easy going as I am, this word would not escape my correction.

"Where did you hear that word?" I asked. "I don't know" was the reply.

( he probably heard it when he attended Public or Catholic School, the language the children spoke at both was horrible).

"Never use that word again", "Why?" he asked, "Because it's a bad word,"

"No one can hear me".

"I can hear you, and so can Jesus".

He got a crabby look on his face, and went back to play, but I have never heard him speak that word again.

Jesus says "he will be a father to all those without one".Since my son's father is not with us, Jesus is used as example all the time.

It works!

I guess If this is the worst I have to deal with while he's a teenager, I'll be happy. Just turning 13, I probably have a ways to go.

Have a Blessed Sunday ! : )

DARCY P 04/01/2012 10:24:38

I too rely heavily on God, in guiding my son as a single mother. My son is almost 9 years old so I have a way to go yet. I find inspiration in this story as well as hearing the testimony of others, such as Kathy's. Thank you, for to share your struggles or lessons is to inspire others. I often tell my son that he may not have his biological father in his life but he has the best Father of all!! And He will never let him down or leave him, He is always with us, loving us and guiding us!

Amen, have a blessed Sunday :)

TABITHA J 04/01/2012 20:07:57

This reminds me of a quote from Star Wars (my husband is a huge fan): Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?

KATHY S 04/01/2012 21:33:57

Thank you Darcy. And Amen ! Jesus will take care of both of our little families !

May God Bless you as you continue !

In Christ,

Kathy S.

SUZANNE CARRIER 04/01/2013 16:13:37

Thank you for your honesty about your son. It seems as if everything you hear about and read these days is about how perfect and successful Christian homeschool kids are. I get weary hearing all the success stories about how wonderful the kids are. Truth is, they all have sinful natures and it seems to blossom in the late teenage years....and that is with the best of training and teaching. The best thing we can teach them is about the blood of Christ and His forgiveness. The sinful nature runs deep.

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