You Can Do It

"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Have you been experiencing setbacks lately while homeschooling? Are your children rebelling or acting bored? Do friends continue to harass you about your decision and worry that your children will be socially inept by the time they graduate? Is all the hard work of balancing time for your spouse, your children, and yourself just too much? Are the unpaid bills or unfinished chores keeping you awake at night? Maybe God never really wanted you to homeschool in the first place. After all, if He did, things wouldn't be so hard, right?

Those are the experiences and thoughts I felt homeschooling four children. Second guessing myself, I was ready to walk away and experience the "good life" of corporate reward and fulfillment. Anything had to be better than the frustration I was going through now. However, each time I was determined to give up and send my children to school, a wonderful day of homeschooling blessings encouraged me again. My spiritual and homeschooling journeys became intertwined, and I learned that any success I had when teaching my children was dependent on my closeness to God's heart.

My days of looking for a way out eventually ended when God gave me my own homeschooling life verse: "Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory" (2 Timothy 2:10). I knew I could endure any homeschooling negatives for the sake of my children's salvation and growth in Christ. I was ashamed and humbled before God with my foolish fears and doubts. Even though I had been faithless and ready to quit to avoid suffering, God remained faithful and encouraged me when I needed the most encouragement (2 Timothy 2:13a).

God is waiting to encourage you today, too. He wants to meet you right where you are and give you the strength you need to be a faithful teacher. Learn from His sacrificial and loving example to faithfully teach you. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds" (Hebrews 12:2-3).

Jesus, Your love for me amazes me every day. My life is not my own, and I recommit my family and homeschooling to You today. Use me to be a blessing to my wonderful children. Help me to stand against the temptation to feel sorry for myself. In Your precious name, Amen.

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Comments(50 comments)

Gayle S 11/17/2008 07:18:13

Please pray for me. My husband passed away 2 years ago, since than I have decided to homeschool, I can relate to much to this devotional. With one young adult child and 3 school age children, home, church, yard, automobiles and life in general to keep upwith. On top of all that I was not a good student myself, so God truly is my strengh.

Please pray that my brain will be clear and able to truly focus on school when I am teaching my children. I am so distracted by other responsibilities. JFor my own comprehension and understanding of the lessons.

thank you for your website

gayle smith

MAXINE W 11/17/2008 11:54:23

Less than an hour ago I told my husband that I couldn't homeschool our youngest daughter any longer. It has been a struggle emotionally and financially for two years. My level of discomfort has become overwhelming. While I was talking to him I remembered SOS. I told him that I think that using that curriculum would be the only way I could continue. He told me to check it out again. When I came to the site I read this blog. I believe it is the Lord telling me that we can do it, not to give up. Please pray that we can afford to buy the curriculum - or that we win the contest! I do believe that God will make a way ,but it's so easy to look at circumstances around us. I want to look to the hills from whence cometh my help. Thank you for this encouragement.

JENNIFER B 11/18/2008 09:42:04

Yesterday I quit homeschooling...for the 20th time (guessing here)... Today I read what I need to go on. As I type this, I cry-I just asked God yesterday if I am truly doing His will by homeschooling. My oldest has beens showing laziness, fighting me tooth & nail about just getting something done. He doesn't want to go back to public school and I am terrified of sending him. Thank you for once again being the source to answer my prayers. Today doesn't seem so hard and I'm just going to give tomorrow to God before it even gets here. It is hard juggling homeschool, a 4 yr old that wants attention anyway he can get it & potty training a 2 yr old-but one day I think I'll be bored and I'll miss all of this. Thank you again.

CARL V 11/18/2008 10:01:19


Here's another good devotional to keep you motivated:

Dellys D 11/17/2009 01:57:38

This is good to hear. We all battle from time to time with homeschooling. Thanks for the encouragement.

DAWN S 11/17/2009 04:28:25

Yesterday was a rough day. We had a lot of catching up to do since we

spent the majority of time last week in the vets office with a dying pet.

We got through it and today I wake up ready to start a new day. God

truely is my strenght.

CONNIE H 11/17/2009 06:07:28

The first thing I do every morning is read the message for the day.Every time it reveals to me that thru Him I can walk this journey that is often times bumpy.My fear has been is my son understanding or is it going to stick?The last thing I want to do is set him back.My comprehension is so low that I second guess myself about being qualified to teach.My frustration towards my child often leaves me feeling guilty.If he sences disapptment in me it could hurt his self worth or self esteem.I asked the Lord to please help me see my son at the level he is at, so that as we work together he can feel proud of his small steps along the way and that I can be proud in knowing I played a part in that.Our hope and strength does come from our Lord and Savior who created us and knew exactly what we needed to pass the test.I pray I pass mine today.

BETH T 11/17/2009 06:46:15

Wow, Jennifer B's comment is exactly what I'm going through right now. Except for the four and two year old's. I really feel for you there. Thank you all for sharing. I know that this is God's will for us, and that is why satan keeps trying to trip us up. He's not going to win though! We will be the 'winners' in the end if we don't give up. Thank you Lord for the many blessings and the way You are building my character! : )

MISTY O 11/17/2009 14:05:04

I recieved my print version of Daily Focus a few days ago. I love having the option of reading either, or both (if I need to read it again). These are truly inspired of God. I can see that so many people are feeling the same thing in reading these. So many times, I feel like you all must be spying on my house to send me just the right message ( I know you're not really...). Thank you, thank you, for the Daily Focus!!!

SHARON V 11/19/2009 15:35:44

I was just reading you can do it I believe God sent me here and I found this thats what I have been going through people in y family keep telling me I am wrong to homeschool my daughter thanks for the scripture Praise God He knows who to bring into our lives at the right time I have been crying last night and today because of things people have said thanks for saying all of this it really helped .

KIM B 11/20/2009 11:46:37

Wow, I am so excited to have come across this website. I am new and actually have not yet started homeschooling our two kids 7th & 3rd grade and feel very incapable already. I have a lot of guilt and can relate to the poor me feelings as well. I do feel homeschooling is the only option for us right now with my husband relocating in work. We are not settled at this time, moving thru states in a large 5th wheel has been difficult. I used to work in a Christian School for a few years and miss that connection a lot. I am so excited to have this website and now and all of you to blog with (THIS IS MY VERY 1ST BLOG TOO BY THE WAY). I do feel God is in the house right now, very excited about things once again! Thanks to all of you! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

ELIZABETH A 12/01/2009 16:03:19

Of all the emails and devotions I get, this is the one I look for every day to minister to my heart. I recently returned to work full time in a new career, to which I can testify the Lord opened the door. Sending my kids to public school never entered my mind, but returning to the workforce full time was a must for our family financially. Reading the comments here, I am humbled and thankful to say that, by God's grace, and with the help of my husband and mother, we will make it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the inspiration and encouragement you send each day. And yes, it looks like next year we'll be looking at SOS to help with our strange schedule and need for organization in our less than typical school day.

God bless all you do.

LAUREN J 11/17/2010 03:44:31

This was just what I needed to hear. This is our 3rd week of homeschooling and things have gone very smoothly until yesterday. I spent the whole day second guessing my decision. I know that God placed it in my heart and soul to do this and I just need to trust in him more. Today might be a much better day!

CONNIE K 11/17/2010 04:29:24

Some days are very hard and I just want to throw in the towel and then the Lord reminds me of how good an education my son is getting compared to the p.s.

I know that these years are prescious and the enemy doesn't want us to succeed. We have to press on to the mark in which God has called us knowing that we will reap the rewards. Let's pray each and every day for the Lord's strength.


KIMBERLY C 11/17/2010 04:31:08

Kim C

Thank you so much for this today. Things have gotten tight around her and I was beginning to wonder it I need to stop homeschooling to go back to work or if homeschooling was even for us any more. This a very up lifting and answer to prayer. Thank you so much for the encouragement.

Krystina B 11/17/2010 04:36:13

Thank you, Thank you! I needed this. Although quitting would mean letting my children down...the stresses and the worldly temptations catch me off guard nearly everyday. I read this devotion and wrote down the words "Any success I have when teaching my children is dependant on my closeness to God's heart." It's up to me how I feel after a day of homeschooling. I love what I do and I do it because God has led this family in this direction. I need to remember that if I'm struggling, I need to step back and take a look at my relationship with Christ.

Jennifer M 11/17/2010 06:23:06

I feel like I can relate to all of your comments and it helps to know I'm not alone. This is our first year homeschooling (I have a 3rd grader, K5 and 3 year old) and there are days when I truly question my calling. It is especially hard when my 8 year old talks about how much she misses her school friends. We have gotten plugged into several groups and she is making new friends, so I know that will get better but there are days when I wonder. Thank you for the encouraging words and know that I am praying for each of you as we are on this journey together!

ANNETTE F 11/17/2010 07:54:21

I look forward to receiving the AOP daily devotional.I find them very inspiring.I am happy to see the devotional and prayer together on the first page again.

YVETTE L 11/17/2010 07:59:25

Finding this website is truely a blessing. We decided to homeschool our youngest (11 yrs old) this year. I was recently told that I make a better mom than a teacher. Not in a disrepectful way, but boy did that hurt. So, off to public school she went. Wow,after a 2 week dip into the public school she now realizes that mom isn't so bad after all. We have both come to realize that we miss that time together. I have found that our Biblical studies are not as strong as they should have been. Off to a new start. We are now back on schedule with homeschooling. Thanks again for all of the encouraging words and prayers for the homeschooling parents.

Michelle C 11/17/2010 07:59:49

As I tried to talk and pray for my oldest child, 15, she blew up at me and said everything is my fault. Oh, the challenges of teenagers, 3 of our 6 children are 13,14 and 15. My sister-in law passed away one week after giving birth to their first born soon the second week into homeschooling this year. We are having a difficult time with Mandy's passing and four weeks later my husband's mother went to be with the Lord. I work full time outside of our home and we are homeschool our youngest five children. Just last week I said "I can't do this anymore!" I needed to read what was in the devotion today! Thank you for the encouraging words.

TIFFANY C 11/17/2010 08:29:06

Tiffany C

I have found such comfort and encouragement in this devotional and your comments. God Bless you all

GABRIELLE M 11/17/2010 08:38:33

Thank you for today's Daily Focus. They always speak right to me. I was a homeschooled child from 5th-11th grade and loved it. I have only good memories of the years spent with my mom and sister in our homeschooling experiences. I couldn't wait to start homeschooling my own children someday, especially since I would be able to relate to them in ways my mom wasn't able to relate to me, since she had never been the homeschooled child herself. After all the years of waiting, now I am the mom. We are homeschooling our 6 year old and we have a 4 year old and 8 month old twin boys. Wow - I can't believe how much harder homeschooling is from the parents' perspective - especially with all the preschoolers in our house! The past couple of months I have been having some major doubts about our decision to home school and I have thought on more than one occasion how much easier it would be to send our oldest to public school. But, I have to remove myself from the stress and busyness of our days and remind myself of all the wonderful reasons I loved being homeschooled myself. It is during those times that God refreshes me and reminds me that it is by His strength and His might and He will give me the grace I need for today. Tomorrow He will give me the grace I need for that day, as well, as I continue to walk in His Will. Anything worth doing will be hard at times, but the rewards will be great - for my children and for myself.

Alisa J 11/17/2010 09:26:44

Thank you, everyone, for such wonderful words of wisdom. Praise the Lord! May God bless all of us and give us strength and wisdom while on this journey of providing for our children, what we feel we were called upon to do.

CHRISTINE K 11/17/2010 11:24:52

YAY...I loved and needed this devotional. No matter how much I tell myself these same things, it gives stregth to hear it from another understanding source. Thank you.

Vickie M 11/17/2010 12:20:04

Thank You for this mornings devotional and prayer it was a wonderful lift and a reminder to put the Lord first. Life can get busy and we can forget that the Lord still needs to be first.

Denise M 11/17/2010 15:59:06

Well, I quit my job, one I love. But my son needs me more. He is in fourth grade and flunking everything. I will take some of the credit for this and so does my son. But I also blame the teacher. K has ADHD and anxiety and PTSD. He is actually my grandson, his mother was very abusive and so now I have him. But his teacher just didn't want to work with him. So now I plan homeschooling. Any good ideas on how to start?

Yong I 11/17/2010 16:39:56

Thanks for words of encouragement. Nowadays, I face such problem to give up to teach my son( 13 years old). He becomes lazy, not interesting in his studying, rebellious, bad attitudes and so on. What can I do? How to encourage him to get back his early-willing to be obedient and diligent? The spirit is willing, but the flesh is not. Only pray without ceasing.

KIM M 11/17/2010 17:09:04

Jennifer M's situation is identical to mine in that this is my first year homeschooling and my 3rd grader would LOVE to go back to public school....that makes this committment so much harder, especially second guessing myself on difficult days! Kim

VICKY K 11/18/2010 11:08:56

I need one of those "wonderful days of homeschool blessings" right about now. My four children are driving me crazy. I don't see things getting much better until late January.

ASHLEY M 11/18/2010 21:18:31

I love the these devotionals. They are such an encouragement to me. The LORD has used them several times to speak to me. This is my first year homeschooling and I have had some hard times and times I would have quit if the LORD hadn't clearly taken those thoughts from me. Other times he has clearly shown me why He lead me to do it. I can truly say when I've asked for wisdom (James 1:4) He has given it to me. He has never left my side through this new journey. I give Him all the credit for how He's worked in my life and our homeschooling. Some days are just bad days, some weeks are bad weeks, and some months feel like you just can't seem to stay on schedule. But I have learned that perserverance is the key. It's not easy but we learn and grow in the Lord through this process. And when we trust HIM with it He will get us through it.

OLIVIA S 11/20/2010 01:17:28

Home-school is so hard, harder than Public school. I don't have any regrets about it though becaus I've learned much more than public school. Plus AOA is a Christian School, so I've grown more spiritually.

My main concern is that my schedule is whack. I lack self discipline, that's my area of weakness. Its so hard to try to balance school, clean the house, wash my clothes, cook, and help my grandparents too. I know God for a fact doesn't give us more than we can bear, so this school [AOA- Switched on online] is a blessing in the first place. I missed almost 3 weeks because I became depressed when my dog went missing, and now I got to make it up, and I feel that isn't impossible. Then again I'm reminded that with God anything is Possible!

EMMA W 11/17/2011 03:10:35

We haven't yet begun homeschooling, but are planning it for next year. It's encouraging to read this devotional today, as we have all been ill in my home, and meaningful and fulfilling interaction has been rather limited! By God's grace I will keep on the journey - and make a good beginning in 2012. thanks for these reflections, they're a big help.

MARGARET B 11/17/2011 06:14:36

Homeschooling is definetly not easy i have told my children several times that i am just going to send them back to public school. Then i think back to the reason why i chose to homeschool. I pray every day that things will get easier, and that my children will start to see what i am trying to do for them. i pray that they will start to do what they are supposed to do and get the education they are supposed to get.

HARRIETH S 11/17/2011 06:24:50

Thanks for all the encouragement! I really need it today. Its a relief to learn that I am not the only home school mom who experiences these trying moments. Thru the past 12yrs God has always found a way to remind me that homeschooling my 3 children is HIS ideal plan for my life and theirs. Today's Daily Focus is yet another way God choose to remind me of this very important calling. My middle child is now 12 and wants to go to public school so she can "experience" what other children do. Please pray for me, any advice on hoe to handle this request from my daughter will be greatly appreciated.

Harriet S

MISSY B 11/17/2011 06:27:22

The state of Vermont is persecuting us because my son is a struggling reader. They have intervened and forced testing. It has wrecked his confidence~and mine. Thank you for this.

SUZANNE S 11/17/2011 08:14:11

I needed to hear/read this devotion!!!! It's like the perfect timing kind of moment! I have been struggling for awhile and our present situation just adds to everything. We have a lot of "life changes" going on. My husband's new job keeps him away from home and our house is on the market. We had a trying summer followed by more health issues among both sets of parents. My youngest is a handful and I'm constantly second-guessing myself. I am a basketcase right now with so much up in the air. I will definitely hang on to this devo!!!!!

EDWIDGE S 11/17/2011 09:36:10

To Denise M and anyone else who might benefit from what I offer--very humbly--here, I'd suggest starting with a homeschooling coop or academy if you can find any in your area.

When I began considering and praying about homeschooling, I started with online research. I think the Duggar Family web site is what led me to AOP actually. I registered for membership and this devotional and have been blessed by it ever since.

God, being the magnificent God that He is, started to bring homeschooling Christian moms into my life, and I learned a lot from them.

At the time, I was a FaceBooker (no longer) and, as I probed about homeschooling, a HS mom of 4 told me about the Calvert Homeschooling program, which is nonsectarian but appears to provide much support in the way of a "bundled" curriculum (so you're not piece-mealing one yourself, which I personally was anxious about); teacher and technical support, record-keeping services, if you so desired; etc. It's not free, but given what I'd been paying in preschool and private school costs beforehand, it was a much more affordable way to go!

I learned about homeschooling academies in our area during an encounter with another homeschooling mom at our local library--whom I now consider a WONDERFUL friend! She used Calvert's curriculum, but joined an academy for record-keeping services and because of the additional benefits that came with being an academy family (CLASSES--art, PE, geography, science, and much, much more, especially for the older students (7th-12th grade); field trips; band and orchestra; special events and programs; curricula counselors and resources; assessments/testing if you like; etc.).

I researched the one she was a member of and ultimately decided to join too. I really needed to be part of a homeschooling COMMUNITY that we could "touch and feel," espcially given how much of a social butterfly my kindergartener is and how desperate I felt for a little hand-holding starting out.

THEN, I started to research the Classical Method/Classical education and fell in love with it! I decided THIS was the model I wanted to follow in my homeschooling, and God--again, being the on-time manificent God that He is!--directed my steps to a NATIONAL Christian Classical homeschooling program called Classical Conversations. (I'd insert links, but I'm not sure if that's allowed.) Among the many benefits of being a CC family are the classes that meet once a week. So my child has regular interaction with peers from like-minded families in classroom settings and extracurricularly (did I just make up a word? *laughing*).

The academy-CC combo has worked out PERFECTLY for us!: Classical training and support; regular time with other homeschoolers; admistrative support and services to keep me organized and accountable while serving as a liaison between our family and the state of MD; curricula guidance ...

Besides my kindergartener, I have a 3-year-old and a nearly 7-month-old, so it can get a little tricky sometimes, and while I imagine that I haven't met some of the challenges that moms of older homeschoolers are facing, I try to daily keep my mind and heart stayed on the fact that, while I'd love to have my children grow up to be geniuses! (laughing), SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than that is raising them up to know and love the LORD; and my deep, heartfelt prayer for them is that they would each have such an intensely personal relationship with Him that they would be able to withstand the enemy in these last and evil days and not be distracted, discouraged or seduced by his schemes. Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua! That's ALL I really want for our family ultimately! Truly.

Our work is hard, but we're not meant to do it alone. He promises to be with us always, even unto the end. (Matt 28:20) Is God a man that He should lie? Is God God? His promises are sure. He is faithful and loves us to pieces! Remember what happened to Peter when he started looking around/being distracted by his surroundings (which, for us, come in the form of unsupportive family and friends; financial challenges; resistant children; state policies; etc. ...) ... KEEP YOUR EYES ON YESHUA. (Matthew 14:25-31) He will keep us. He is faithful to complete the work He started in us. (Phil 1:6)

God bless and be with you all!

Delighted in and excited about Him,


(Sorry for the super long post)

MARGARET C 11/18/2011 06:45:36

I am so thankful for the Daily Focus. I too have become overwhelmed and have felt that I wasn\'t the best person for the homeschooling job. I have become too focused on laundry, bills, and trying to get it all done in one day that I forgot that homeschooling my children was more important that the way the house looked. I am going to bring back the joy of having my children with me everyday and the joy of being able to be their mother and their teacher. God knows my direction and he will give me strength to finish the chores that need finished. God Bless

ELAINE H 11/18/2011 11:55:14

i will begin homeschooling i reeemoved my grandaughter because she was always confused in school also gettingbullied and the teachers act like they are in another world , I drive the school bus and i listen and i have talked to the teachers they sy yes e are aware, I took her out of school 3 weeks ago they have yet to give any help so today i decided enought i will go out on my own wish me luck I do not believe she is in the level they say she is and they do their teaching by computer so what is teh diference,besides most important she needs to learn the Bible.

NAOMI W 11/18/2011 13:26:51

When I read these posts I stop feeling sorry for myself. I and both my children in the house have ADHD and the youngest also has mild Autism. In addition, I also have two part time jobs so I have all kinds of excuses for why I can have a pity party and then I read about you who have babies/toddlers/preschoolers and I think \"Thank GOD I\'m not doing THAT anymore!\" I\'ve really got it good here. Thanks for reminding me.


MARSHA M 11/19/2011 10:59:48

I really want to pull my 5th grade daughter out of the public school system and want to start her out on Alpha Omega Monarch. The problem I am seeing is I have to buy the 5th grade curriuculum and it\'s good for 18 months. So I have to start her out at the beginning of 5th grade again? I don\'t want her to think she\'s being held back or being punished! Should I start her out in the 6th grade curriculum? I\'m so confused!!! Can someone please help me!

CARL V 11/21/2011 07:51:03


AOP offers free placement tests for Monarch Math and Language Arts. I would start with these tests to see if your daughter is ready for the 6th grade Monarch curriculum. Copy and paste this link into the address bar of your browser:

Also, remember to pray about your decision. God bless!

MARGARET H 11/17/2012 07:49:36

Thank you for this devotional.I have been also struggling with a lot in my own life.Sometimes it gets so very difficult to keep going but reading the other posts makes me realize that I am not alone.

KATHY S 11/17/2012 07:54:02

I cannot threaten to send my son back to Public or Catholic Schools. The Bullying he endured was Horrific and it would further traumatize him. I can\'t afford to send him to a good Christian School, but I can continue to \"Homeschool\" him.

I too feel like gving up some days. ADD and Autism make it hard for my sweet guy to focus and stay on track. He is well behaved, polite and a wonderful child, but he has these handicaps, and it makes it harder for both of us.

On top of all that, I have to fit in appointments for Cardiac therapy 2 x\'s a week for myself and room for appointments for the 7 different Specialist Doctors that I now see due to all my illnesses.

Last 1/2 of year that I started homeschooling, all I had to deal with was my right leg that I broke.

We had a great time at the Library 3 days a week, and the rest at home. Everyuthing was flowing a litlle better.

This year I broke my left foot, had a heart attack and heart surgery, and resprained the broken foot last month, then was recently hospitalized for pluracy and bronchitus. I feel like I can\'t catch a break and I hate that we can\'t just do our normal homeschooling routine because of me. So, I keep trying to get on track and it seems like I\'m always starting over. I know we all have problems, but I have had 10 ER trips and hospital stays since March 5th, this year. I can\'t take anymore.

I am thankful that God spared my life, as my goal is to live to take care of my most precious son. Now, I just wish for my health so things can be normal again. Thanks for reading. I know from what I have read today that so many of you have way more problems than I do, I just needed to let that all out.

Thanks again & God Bless all!

REGINA H 11/17/2012 09:24:16

I can relate to many of these posts. I have 9 year old twin boys who were struggling in public school, so i decided to try homeschool this year. It is by far the best decision I have ever made!!! It has been very rough for me as I am a single mom without support from the father or family. We pray about finances daily and God always gets us through. Maybe not the way we asked for but He always gives us a way!! I am asking for lots of prayers though today as we have lost our car and babysitter. I am currently looking for a better paying job with better hours so I have more time with my children. I know He will provide for us! For those of you considering home school and not sure if its the way to go I will tell you that to me it\'s worth any price. My children have gone from straight C students to straight A students and are actually excited to learn!!! And even with me working part time we find time to \"have school\" when I am not working and they are even willing to do it on Saturdays!! Thanks for listening.

RAYA M 11/17/2012 10:37:59

Oh wow! This devotional sure spoke to me. I started this year with my two DD at home and we are now getting to the point when it seems a struggle just to get them to do anything. I worry we are not getting anything done and they won\'t progress very far. I\'m not seeing the benefits yet. I want so much to glorify the Lord in all this and I feel like I am failing Him and my children. This devotional gave me hope and encouragement too. Thank you so much.

REGINA H 11/17/2012 11:26:55


I had the same problem when I first started out this year. I found pinterest to be an amazing site and found many ways to make teaching more fun. I found that the funner i made our lessons the more engaged they became. They actually look forward to school now! We play games with different subjects at the end of each class. Most of them made up games. I will review what we have learned in a \"Jeopardy\" type game and we have a small prize bucket they are able to pick out of when they win. I don\'t know how old your kids are but there is also a math card game called \"Zoom\" that they love to play, and once again they get something out of the prize bucket. Zoom helps them with doing the facts quickly and in their head without the use of fingers. I have found that it really has boosted their self confidence in math. I hope this helps. Good luck!!

Amy Carroll 11/17/2013 17:43:02


My prayers are with you and your children. You are not alone in your feelings of distraction. Many of us feel the pressure to get it all done all the time. It is definitely more demanding on life to homeschool but SO worth it. The days I feel so overwhelmed, I pack up all our lessons for the day and do class in the park with lunch. It definitely helps release the tension and recharge! May the Lord help clear your mind and give you strength.

sabrina martinez 11/19/2013 21:55:22

Thank you all sooo much for opening up and sharing. I am thinking of homeschooling my two girls. All my concerns and doubts are being addressed and this cite has been so helpful. It has been a true blessing...Thank you thank you...and may everyone who reads any comment on this cite I pray blessing to you all.

Sue Krippel 11/17/2014 13:53:57

God knows what we need and I sure needed this devotion today. Thank you so much for the encourangement!

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