4 Tips to Help You Conquer New Year’s Resolutions

4 Tips to Help You Conquer New Year’s Resolutions

A season of new beginnings is upon us once more, and the start of a new year seems a fitting time to set fresh goals and work toward an exciting, new future. 

While forming homeschool resolutions for the new year is refreshing, at times it seems a bit daunting too. However, with the right mix of optimism and determination, achieving resolutions can be a cinch. As you create goals for the upcoming year, here are a few tips and tricks to help you succeed. 

1. Partner up. Let's face reality. We tend to work harder when someone holds us accountable. This year, find a trusty friend or family member with whom you can plan lessons, work out, or volunteer. Forming a partnership with someone who has similar goals helps both parties stay motivated and succeed. 

2. Set a schedule. Though completing a list of resolutions is satisfying, it's not something that has to happen overnight. Instead of diving headfirst into an endless list of goals, pace yourself with a realistic schedule which will help you avoid burnout and achieve more throughout the year.

3. Reward yourself. Setting goals is the easy part. Reaching them requires hard work. Don't be afraid to grant yourself small, satisfying rewards as you meet the deadlines on your schedule. 

4. Don't push it. Sometimes we focus so intently on starting something new this time of year that we forget to reflect on projects that are already in motion. Set aside some time to evaluate your progress on resolutions from last year and goals established at the beginning of the school year. After giving them some consideration, form a plan for finishing strong at the end of this year.

What's your strategy for completing New Year's resolutions this year?

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