LIFEPAC® 7th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set

Product Id - LAN0700 ISBN: 9780867170634

LIFEPACĀ® 7th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set


Are you eager to teach your seventh grader with the LIFEPAC language arts curriculum? Already have the teacher's guide? Alpha Omega Publications has what you need, the LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set! This comprehensive set does not include the teacher's guide but contains ten structured, easy-to-follow worktexts that include a complete overview of essential language arts concepts, along with applicable practice problems. Each individual seventh grade language arts worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum offers clear, helpful lessons and relevant examples to build your student's language arts skills! Topics include parts of speech, sentence and paragraph structure, punctuation, literature, and communication!

And there's more! The LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set has essential, diverse lessons that include thought-provoking study questions and exercises. Plus, each small, progressive worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum will motivate your child to complete confidence-building lessons with its ultra-slim size! And your child will feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment when he completes each worktext in three to four weeks. Each LIFEPAC worktext includes concept reviews, self tests, plus one removable, teacher-administered unit test—all designed to reinforce and solidify comprehension. So don't delay. Get a full year of best-selling homeschool curriculum in one simple step! Add the best-selling LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set to your cart today.