Todd Wilson

The Family Man

A homeschooling dad veteran who has helped homeschool eight children for over 20 years, Todd and his family travel the country in an RV to encourage dads and moms who have lost the joy of homeschooling.

For more on Todd, visit

Todd Wilson

Watch Todd's Homeschool Insights Videos

Four Truths Essential for Homeschoolers

Parents can easily get discouraged when they forget why they homeschool. Believing these four simple truths can help remind you of the importance of your calling.

The Lies We Believe

What are the lies you believe about your homeschool? These small little lies have a huge impact.

The Best Part Is the Hardest Part

Having your kids home all the time isn’t always a walk in the park, but it’s worth it!

The Pressure on Homeschool Moms

How do you deal with all the outside pressures and well-meaning voices telling you how to homeschool?

More Important Than Math

What does it look like to put the relationships with your kids before anything else?

Real Learning Happens Every Day

It’s time to rethink what we call “the important things” of homeschooling.

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Sign up for AOP’s monthly e-newsletter today for more homeschool tips, encouragement, and other great homeschool content, including giveaways!