3 Fun Games to Play with Homemade Flashcards

While homemade flashcards are an inexpensive and effective way to help kids memorize information, sometimes the process of cycling through them becomes a bit monotonous. Break the boredom cycle by introducing your children to three fun flashcard games that your family can enjoy together.

Help your children learn the sequence of events in their history lessons with a homemade version of the historical events card game published by Asmodee. Make a deck of double-sided flashcards that include the name of a historical event on one side and both the name and date of the event on the other. Then, watch the first four minutes of this video to learn the rules of the game and use your homemade deck to play!

I Spy
Spread several flashcards from one of your decks across your kitchen table. Use the popular game phrase “I spy…” to begin your clue. Then, give the correct answer to one of the flashcards on the table. If you’re practicing addition, you might give the clue “I spy 15.” When your child hears the clue, he should find and point to the card on the table that matches it. In this scenario, he could point to a card that reads “10 + 5.” This game can be adapted to fit any type of flashcard. If you play with a deck of Spanish vocabulary words, you might give the clue “gato.” Your child, in turn, would point to the image of a cat.

While this game requires a bit more prep work, it’s also a lot of fun! Start by choosing a deck of flash cards to play with. Then, create several homemade bingo cards by randomly filling in each square on the card with an answer to one of the flashcards. When play begins, the caller randomly draws flashcards from the pile to announce each play.

The Unlikely Homeschool

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