7 At-Home Date Night Ideas

For parents, especially those with young children, finding time to get out of the house for a date night isn’t always easy. Fortunately, there are many fun ways to enjoy a date night in with your spouse, even when the kids are home. If you’re in need of an evening to reconnect, put the kiddos to bed early and check out a few of our suggestions below!

Plan a Game Night
Forget about Memory and Go Fish. Instead, go to the closet and pull out your all-time favorite board game that you maybe haven’t touched since your children came along.

Set up a Backyard Picnic
If it’s cold outside, this can even take place on your living room floor. Grab a blanket and your favorite picnic foods. Then, set up camp and enjoy a fun meal and conversation with your love.

Go Mini Golfing
A putter and a few plastic cups is all it takes to set up your own indoor course. For an added challenge, use your toddler’s building blocks, stuffed animals, and any other toys you can find to build a few obstacles.

Do a Devotion
Take some time to reconnect over your favorite devotional or stop by the store on the day of your date and grab a new book to explore together.

Make (or Update) Your Bucket List
If you think about and plan for the future but have never put your goals down on paper, spend an evening making a bucket list together. If you have one, pull it out and cross off the items you’ve accomplished. Then, add any new ones that have come to mind since the last time you updated it.

Dance in the Living Room
Rearrange the furniture, turn on some tunes, and enjoy an evening swaying to the music. If neither of you are experienced dancers, hop on YouTube, find a tutorial, and learn together.

Star Gaze in Your Back Yard
Grab the baby monitor and sneak out onto the back porch to enjoy an evening of conversation underneath the stars.

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