Asparagus Hunts

"And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost" (Luke 15:9).

Hunting the roadside ditches for asparagus was a favorite springtime activity for our homeschooling family. Every year, my oldest son was the first to ask, "When are we going to go looking for asparagus?" He loved eating this tasty vegetable. As if hunting for a treasure, he would map out our favorite wild asparagus locations on the county atlas. Harvesting asparagus appealed to his hunter/gatherer spirit that loved finding each spear hidden within the ditch grasses. Watching him walk down the ditch with paper bag in hand, I said, "I'm not sure which you enjoy more, eating asparagus or hunting for it."

Smiling, he replied, "Oh, definitely hunting for it!"

As Christians, we should have the same intense desire to reach lost souls. Unfortunately, many of us turn away from such opportunities to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Safe in our own little environment of believers, we fail to see the hurting hearts of the unlovely and unwanted. Isolated and protected, we remain in the salt shaker and fail to be the salt the Lord desires (Matthew 5:13). God challenges us to go looking for the lost. Like the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin (Luke 15), we are to walk through life with eyes open to see the hearts of those needing the saving message of Christ's love and forgiveness.

When was the last time you shared the love of Jesus with someone in need of salvation? In the end, all that will matter are the lives of those who came to know Christ because of your witness. Will you seek the lost?

Father, please open my eyes to see those who are in need of Your saving grace. Grant me boldness to share the message of hope and forgiveness, so they might find eternal life in Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(2 comments)

BETH O 05/10/2012 02:55:49

This is my prayer daily. Thank you for this devotion.

KATHY S 05/11/2012 09:14:27

I am shocked to hear that someone esle actually went on \"Asparagus hunts\".

No disrepect intended, as your son looked on those times as his favorites, I can\'t think of too many more times that I was very unhappy. I can laugh now, but I can remember as a very little girl, my Father liked asaparagus. I hated it and still do. He would decide to take a weekend day and drag me along to find the stuff. I hated the weeds, outdoors, the no bathrooms in sight.

We live in the suburbs, so, I\'m used to neighbors close by, stores around the corner, don\'t get me wrong, my friend lives on a farm, and my son and I totally enjot going there to relax and visit, just not asparagus picking!!

Laughing as I read the title, I guess there was one good thing,as my Dad passed away 7 years ago, I guess It was time that I was able to spend alone with him.

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