Divine Guidance

"In the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom" (Psalm 51:6b).

If ever a parent needed the wisdom of Solomon to resolve disputes, it's a homeschooling parent. Since we live with our families 24/7, we face more instances of sibling conflict than other families. Unfortunately, homeschooled children are no different than any other children and will fight over the most trivial things. Like Solomon, many times you're forced to stand in judgment as you physically separate two children who are arguing. Worst of all, there's no teacher's guide or answer key to give you the helpful information you need to resolve problems. Applying the right discipline to correct your child's behavior requires discernment from the Holy Spirit and wisdom from God's perfect curriculum — the Bible.

Wisdom is not only needed for resolving disputes while homeschooling. It's also necessary in every aspect of the Christian life. Daily, we face problems, issues, and temptations that require divine knowledge in making the right decision or response. How do we know when we're relying on our own smarts or actually following God's divine wisdom? James 3:17 tells us the answer: "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy."

Does self-ambition or jealousy control your decision-making, or have you discovered God's true wisdom for making godly choices? Whether you are giving your homeschoolers guidance or seeking help for yourself, God's wisdom will always take you in the right direction. Best of all, His wisdom is readily available to anyone who will humble himself to ask for it. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally" (James 1:5).

Father, forgive me for trusting in my own intelligence when facing life's problems. Please, give me Your wisdom today for all the decisions I need to make. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(9 comments)

Aldy D 09/27/2010 09:34:57

Amen...I need Wisdom from the Lord every single Day! He is faitfull giving us Wisdom.

CANDICE H 09/27/2010 12:07:41

Amen, Amen, and Amen!

KRISTIE C 09/27/2011 05:37:32

And here I thought I was the only one dealing with this very issue...sibling conflict everyday and most of the day!! :) Thanks for this very much needed devo.

AUDRA K 09/27/2011 05:44:03

Thank you for this devotional, it always blesses and convicts me. Praise God that if we ask for wisdom He gives it. I\'m asking God for wisdom today! Blessings to u all!

BEVERLY P 09/27/2011 06:11:37

I don\'t have the chance to open the devotions everyday but God knew I needed this one today. I need his wisdom in regard to getting a part time job or not. Should I just hold out and wait to see if things pick up in my catering business or go ahead a get that part time job so we don\'t go under financially? We pay our tithe before anything else and have always just said \"Ok Lord, the rest it up to you. We trust you!\" If I do get a job, am I not trusting God to meet our needs like I have been for the past 6 years? How will we work out homeschooling our 16, 12 and 10 year old? I am just releasing myself into your hands Father this day. Just show me the way you would have me to go.

LISA B 09/27/2011 09:14:00

Thank you! This being our first year of homeschooling, the Daily Focus from AOP has been a huge blessing, divine words at most appropriate times. Again, thank you!

DONIELLE S 09/27/2011 14:38:46

Thanks for the reminder that we need to rely on God\'s perfect wisdom instead of on our own. I tend to be quick to stop the fight, without first thinking about what God would do and how the particular situation could be a learning experience for my children. :)

MELISSA D 09/27/2011 15:54:59

I am working part time and home schooling also but the change in jobs has taken a toll on catching up and I have also said the very words i have read here about being concerned that if i made a choice I would not be trusting God. Yes to Gods wisdom and no to mine, I pray.

MELISSA D 09/27/2011 16:03:19

I would rather be home with my teen more than i can be. but i am a single mom. I pray your business picks up Beverly P so you can stay with your children. Donielle S i heard before in Christian radio that God is there still even in the middle of our chaos we just have to listen for him. God bless everyone.

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