Fighting the Comparison Trap

Fighting the Comparison Trap

Comparison is part of human nature. Consciously and subconsciously as we walk through life, we compare our professional status and accomplishments to the jobs and achievements of others. We compare our role within the family, as well as our spouses and children, to individuals in other families. We even compare our own children to each other.

This is a phenomenon Andy Stanley, founder of North Point Ministries, and many others call the comparison trap.

Even within a Christian homeschool environment, it’s surprisingly easy to fall into the trap of subconsciously ranking every aspect of our lives. Measuring “success” by curriculum brands, teaching and learning methods, or the degree to which a child’s intellectual compatibilities, talents, or behaviors develop can breed an unhealthy air of superiority or discouragement. It can also produce relational tension in the culture of home education. Consequently, this is where the trap is set.

Though the comparison trap is not unique to the homeschool environment, it is a concept that Christian homeschoolers can strive to be particularly mindful of. When we size each other up and cast prejudgments, we forfeit the opportunity to encourage and gain insights from those around us.

However, if we intentionally approach homeschooling from a Christian worldview, we can remind youngsters and ourselves that Jesus offers freedom from this comparison trap. As uniquely gifted beings created in the image of God, we can walk in grace and truth, firmly grounded in our identity in Christ. We also become free to spur each other on to love and good deeds instead of falling victim to the ensnarement of comparison.

What strategies do you use to fight the comparison trap in your homeschool?

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