Homeschooling Children with ADHD

Homeschooling Children with ADHD"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" (Proverbs 27:17).

Need help homeschooling your child with ADHD? Learn how you can make your day go more smoothly with this practical list of teaching ideas for children with this unique learning style.

Q: Does anyone have hints that will help an ADHD child focus on school without us medicating him?
- Dena H., Hazelwood, MO

A: Homeschooling an ADHD child presents homeschool parents with a unique set of teaching challenges. Because these children are highly distractible, it requires homeschool moms and dads to adapt their teaching style to match the child's learning style. Along with using unit studies like The Weaver Curriculum, parents of ADHD children may also find homeschool success with these helpful suggestions:

-Establish a set routine for the day
-Integrate motion into lessons
-Use visual (tri-fold poster boards) or auditory blinders (earphones)<
-Don't try to do everything in your homeschool workbook curriculum
-Let your child answer questions orally
-Give your child a schedule with a checklist for his daily assignments
-Provide your child with a fidget object for his hands (Silly Putty®, LEGO® bricks, toys)
-Teach in a low-key style, rather than upbeat and animated, which can over-stimulate your child
-Be patient
-Use manipulatives for math and other subject concepts
-Give your child the freedom to move and wiggle
-Take lots of breaks
-Move to new information quickly
-Reduce handwriting with computer curriculum like Switched-on Schoolhouse or Monarch
-Give tangible rewards for accomplishments
-Start the day with the subject your child dislikes most
-Incorporate role playing and hands-on projects

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Comments(1 comment)

CHRISTY T 10/06/2011 11:14:25

Having come through a public school and having a preconceived notion of what school should be, this is such a help, encouragement and blessing for me! Thank you!!!

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