Homeschooling Quickly Growing in Popularity for Black Families

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As the number of homeschoolers in the United States approaches 2 million, one reason for the continued growth is a rapid rise in popularity of homeschooling among African-Americans.

According to The Atlantic, “Black families have become one of the fastest-growing demographics in homeschooling, with black students making up an estimated 10 percent of the homeschooling population.”

While white families still primarily homeschool for religious reasons, black families cite a variety of other reasons for educating at home. Motivations include raising educational expectations, avoiding racism, and learning about their own culture rather than the often “Euro-centric” curriculum presented in public schools.

“We have all heard that the American education system is not the best and is falling behind in terms of international standards,” said Ama Mazama, a faculty member at Temple University in Philadelphia. “But this is compounded for black children, who are treated as though they are not as intelligent and cannot perform as well, and therefore the standards for them should be lower.”

However, the growth of homeschooling among black families has not been without resistance.

“For African Americans there is a sense of betrayal when you leave public schools in particular,” Mazama said. “Because the struggle to get into those schools was so harsh and so long, there is this sense of loyalty to the public schools.”

Despite the opposition from some in the black community, one former homeschool mom advised parents to simply do what’s in the best interest of their children.

“The case had nothing to do with what I, as a parent, decide I want for my child,” said Paula Penn-Nabrit, referring to the monumental Brown v. Board of Education ruling that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. “That decision meant the state can’t decide to give me less than, but I can decide I want more than.”

If you’re an African-American homeschool family, why did you decide to teach your children at home?

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Comments(1 comment)

CAROLYN BOYD 03/02/2015 21:34:47

I started homeschooling 24 years ago. My reasons to start homeschooling had nothing to do with race. I have always taught my children that they are no different than anyone else and to always be proud of who they are in Christ and the world. After enrolling my oldest son in Kindergarten and not agreeing with the public schools teaching methods, I realized my children are a gift from God and I felt it was my responsibility to nurture His gifts (my children). I was never comfortable sending him to school and thought it odd to hear the other moms breathing a sigh of relief after leaving their children for the day. Before making the decision to home school, we checked into attending the local Christian school. They introduced us to the idea of homeschooling and we have been homeschooling every since. We have raised 5 successful (homeschooled) boys; all of whom have Bachelor and Master degrees. Our youngest son will be attending college in the Fall.

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