I Forgot

"I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways" (Psalm 119:15).

How many times have you heard your homeschooler say, "I'm sorry, but I forgot to read that lesson" or "I forgot to get my assignment done"? When my children were little, saying "I forgot" meant exactly that. Their young minds were still developing and learning how to organize and remember. However, as my children grew older, I realized that "I forgot" was more often an excuse for being lazy or procrastinating. The unintentional forgetfulness they experienced during childhood stood in stark contrast to the forgetfulness of sidestepping their responsibilities as an adult.

The nation of Israel is a perfect example of a people who chose to forget the Lord their God. Time and again, the Bible says, "And when they forgat the LORD their God" (1 Samuel 12:9a). I can only imagine God's displeasure with His forgetful children. After blessing them and proving Himself with mighty miracles, they still disobeyed and forgot to follow His commands (Psalm 78:10-11). Not valuing God's provisions, they made their excuse and followed their own desires instead of keeping their commitment to the Lord.

As Christian homeschoolers, forgetting to stay in the Word of God daily can ruin your spiritual walk with God, too. Homeschooling is hard enough without having God's Word to guide you. Don't allow laziness, procrastination, or even the daily diversions of life to rob you of the strength you need for each day's tasks. There is simply only one way to combat forgetting, and that is remembering. "Beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour" (2 Peter 3:1b-2).

Father, without Your Word to guide me, our homeschooling is doomed for failure. Help me to prioritize and make time to remember the truths of Your commandments. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Comments(13 comments)

DVORAH C 04/13/2009 09:24:57

Doomed is right. Most people are afraid to use that word now a days. But I am doomed without His word to remind me which way to walk. I chuckle as I write this, not because it's not a sobering thought but because it is all to true!

LINDA M 04/13/2010 12:56:48

Thank you for the gentle reminder to keep me on track.

JANELLE J 04/14/2010 09:16:16

With two little ones, and a part-time job I sure struggle trying to juggle all things so that I have quality time in God's word! It empowers me, strengthens me, motivates me....so why am I zonked by the time I get around to studying it?

JANELLE J 04/14/2010 09:17:28

Need a change in scheduling my day!

BRANDI C 04/15/2010 14:21:21

Amen! and Oh! Me! This is the Word of God. His Word always calls us to REMEMBER what He has, and continues, to tell us. Let me REMEMBER each day to place THE WORD before my eyes, that I may acknowledge Him in all my paths. Brandi C.

KIM S 04/13/2011 04:17:04

AMEN! Need to "get dressed" each day.

KAROL W 04/13/2011 07:31:02

I thank the Good Lord for pencil and paper.

CHRISTINA H 04/13/2011 17:14:06

I think that is so true for me I know ! I forgot today to dive into the Word and pray until I read this devotional .So it meant the world for me to remember.I thank God everyday for blessing me with my new Husband and our new daughter together.I know I don\'t always praise God in the ways most people do ,but I do know that by telling each of my family members that I love them its my way of saying thank you for being in my life.God Bless me and my little new family,amen.Amen.

TRACY S 04/13/2011 22:53:00

Thank you for the reminder. God is so good to us yet we often leave Him on the outside lookiing in. When I am struggling with our homeschooling, I need to remember that God is first then everything els will fall into place.

DEBBIE H 04/13/2012 05:33:23

I need a daily bath of it:)

KATHY S 04/13/2012 05:48:21

AOP actually solved my \"forgetting\" to pray in the morning.

Every morning, I read the Devotionals, say the prayer thta\'s written, and add to it.

Thanks AOP !

MIA M 04/13/2012 15:14:51

This week has been busy,so I didnt do my Bible lesson. My Bible lesson is the first lesson of the day,last night it finally hit me I didn\'t do my lesson . I feel really weird when I don\'t do it, because that\'s my time to get in the word . I need it I\'m like a fish without water when I skip Bible class. I can see its making a diffience in my son\'s life to.

KEISHA M 04/17/2012 10:08:47

Thanks for MY reminder!

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