Learning Tools from a Dollar Store

In the age of Pinterest and Instagram, many parents find it overwhelming to keep their homeschool space looking and functioning like a gram-worthy post. While most of what you see on social media is an edited version of reality, it can be fun to equip your homeschool space with learning tools that keep things looking and running smoothly. The good news is you can accomplish this with just a few educational tools from your local dollar store!

Organizational bins/pouches
As any teacher or homeschooling parent will tell you, half the battle of a learning space is keeping it organized enough to leave room for the learning. At many dollar stores, you can find colorful bins, pencil holders, and even over-the-chair storage pockets to help control the sometimes chaotic learning process.

Posters and decorations
While posters, charts, or other decorations seem like a surface-level concern in a homeschool space, there is a reason teachers spend a significant amount of time decorating their classrooms. Inspirational posters and educational cut-outs are a great way to separate a space as the learning space. Additionally, it’s important to remember how often a child’s eyes can wander during schoolwork. Choose some posters or educational decorations to let those little eyes rest on during brain breaks.

Flash cards
There may be a time when you or your child just want a break from your curriculum. Most dollar stores have math facts flash cards or incredibly cheap index cards to make study cards! If you have multiple ages in your homeschool, let your older kids help make them.

General school supplies
You’ll never need to buy markers, pens, pencils, or notebook paper anywhere else! These school supplies, even if just used for crafting, can rack up a serious bill in a traditional supply store, but at a dollar store, you can easily get more for less.

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