Pineapple on Pizza? Homeschoolers Answer This and More Hard-Hitting Pizza Questions

From its humble beginning of sauce on flatbread to today’s gourmet offerings, pizza has captured the hearts and stomachs of people all around the globe. Every year, Americans consume an average of 23 pounds of pizza per person. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise there is a national holiday to celebrate America’s second most popular food.

Every February 9, National Pizza Day is observed. In honor of one of our favorite days of the year, we asked homeschoolers on Instagram to weigh in on some hard-hitting pizza questions about their favorite toppings, sauces, crusts, and more. No matter your preference, we can all agree on one thing: February 9 shouldn’t be the only day you enjoy this iconic dish!

1. How do homeschoolers eat pizza?
91% With My Hands
9% With a Fork and Knife

2. Which is the preferred sauce-on-pizza of homeschoolers?
87% Ranch
13% Hot Sauce

3. What do homeschoolers prefer to sprinkle on their pizza?
66% Parmesan
34% Red Pepper Flakes

4. Which crust do homeschoolers prefer?
86% Regular Crust
14% Cauliflower Crust

5. Do homeschoolers prefer pizza in a pan?
70% Regular Crust
30% Deep Dish

6. What about pizza on a cracker??
69% Regular Crust
31% Thin Crust

7. If regular crust isn’t an option, what’s the next best thing for homeschoolers?
52% Thin Crust
48% Deep Dish

8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
55% Yum! Yes please!
45% No. Put it in the trash!

9. How adventurous are homeschoolers with pizza toppings?
66% All the Toppings
34% Just Cheese for Me

10. When it comes to pizza are homeschoolers more like carnivores or herbivores?
75% Meat Lovers
25% Veggies Only Please

11. What is your preferred meat topping?
58% Sausage
42% Canadian Bacon

12. Can anything be more popular than pepperoni pizza?
68% Pepperoni
32% Canadian Bacon

See, homeschoolers are just like everyone else…except maybe a little bit smarter!

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