The Most Guaranteed Ways to Bring You Peace This Christmas

When’s the last time you actually took time to breathe? Of course, you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t involuntarily breathing, but I’m referring to taking the time for a few long, slow breaths that flood you with a sense of calmness. This Christmas, make a conscience effort to stop treating life like a race and try these 3 ways to slow down and enjoy the ride of the holiday season.

Limit the Gifts
Let’s face it, we live in an instant gratification culture, but that doesn’t mean your children (or you) need everything on their wish list. Take on the 4 gift challenge that provides something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read or consider these 5 experiences you can give instead of things.

Start a No Technology Night
Traditions get a lot of love at Christmas, so now’s as good a time as ever to start a new one. Challenge your family to a no technology night once a week. For example, enjoy an easy meal of pizza, play a game, and engage your family in conversation while conquering the temptation to peek at the latest social media status alert on your phone.

Dedicate Time with God
According to the old saying, you can always find time for what’s most important in your life. Although you may need to sacrifice some precious sleep to make it happen, opening the Bible and daily spending time in prayer with the author of the Christmas story are the most guaranteed ways to bring you peace this holiday season.

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