4 Ways to Teach Children to Show Gratitude for Gifts

Even for Christian families who are intentional about teaching their children the true meaning of Christmas, teaching kids to be grateful for all they have and everything they receive during the holiday season is easier said than done. Get tips from parenting.com to help your homeschooler develop an attitude of gratitude this Christmas that can be applied all year long.

1. Make two lists and check them twice.
It’s natural for children whose families practice the tradition of gift giving to enjoy adding items to their Christmas list. This year, help your child make a second list of things he’s willing to give to others or actions he’s willing to do for others during the holiday season. Encourage him to add the same number of items to each list and help him follow through on his to-do list.

2. Wear the ugly sweater with grace.
Remind your youngster before holiday gatherings that, although he may not like every gift he receives, people put a lot of effort into finding something special for him and their intentions deserve to be recognized. Help him practice saying thank you and offer friendly “thank you” reminders as necessary during get-togethers.

3. Shop as a family for people on your list.
Involving your child in Christmas shopping is a great way to get him excited about giving to others. It also gives him the chance to see how quickly holiday shopping adds up, providing you with an opportunity to offer a gentle reminder that he likely won’t receive every item on his own wish list.

4. Establish traditions that naturally promote gratitude.
Your child doesn’t have to be more than a few years old to participate in charity work. When your homeschooler is little, encourage him to pick out a couple toys from his closet to donate to children in need. As he grows older, volunteer as a family to serve meals at a local shelter or shop for and deliver gifts to children at a local boys and girls club.

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