From Homeschooler to CEO of a Multimillion-Dollar Business

At only 26-years-old, Richard Lorenzen is already in charge of his own multimillion-dollar business, and the CEO credits homeschooling for his success.

“I can see now some of the places I’ve had advantages,” Lorenzen recently told CNBC, “and also personal habits I’ve developed by being homeschooled.”

Lorenzen started his business in 10th grade, and eleven years later, Fifth Avenue Brands is one of the fastest growing public relations firms in New York, using data to maximize their customers’ media coverage and return on investment (ROI). Some of the company’s clients include Expedia and the United Nations.

An independent worker, Lorenzen said he strived in homeschooling because he took personal responsibility for his studies seriously. More than that, though, Lorenzen said these four traits were instrumental in helping him transition from a homeschooler to the CEO of his own business.

1. Start Early
Lorenzen’s day begins at 4:30 a.m., and it’s been that way since he was 15. (All lights are out by 10 p.m.) Homeschooling allowed him to cut out the “fluff” of a traditional school day, freeing up time in the afternoon to focus on his business.

2. Build a Routine
Even before he begins work at 7 a.m., Lorenzen has already accomplished a 20-minute workout, 30 minutes of reading, and another half hour of meditation and goal-planning.

3. Dress Smart
According to Lorenzen, the old cliché of “look the part” is true. That’s why he’s donned a suit and tie since his bedroom was his first office.

4. Read a Lot
Lorenzen reads two hours a day to self-educate and distance himself from his peers. “It’s not enough to just do the school work that school assigns you and homework,” said Lorenzen. “You have to go beyond that. Going out and self-educating is really what separates those who are successful from the rest.”

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